FAQ: Transition from legacy calls to the new Meet calling experience

Important: Legacy calls (previously known as Duo) are being upgraded to Meet calls, which contain expanded features like live captions, in-call chat, stackable effects, cloud encryption, screen sharing and more. As users move over to Meet calling, some legacy Duo calling features are being upgraded or, in a few cases – like Family Mode, moments and Knock Knock – they will no longer be available.

Meet calling is rolling out to users over the next few months. To use the new calling experience as soon as it's available to you, keep your Meet app up to date. When all parties in the call are using the latest version of Meet with the update, they'll see an in-app prompt explaining that they are now using the new calling experience. Otherwise, the call will default to the legacy calling experience. Once all users are using the updated Meet app, legacy calling will no longer be accessible.

Learn more about the differences between legacy calls and Meet calls and see a side-by-side comparison with visuals.

Frequently asked questions

General questions

What is changing?
Google Duo was upgraded and rebranded to Google Meet in 2022. However, the legacy calling experience (previously known as Duo) was still available. Now, these legacy calls are being upgraded to Meet calls, which contain expanded features like cloud encryption, live captions, in-call chat, stackable effects and more. Starting in August, users will be encouraged to update their app so that they can begin using the new Meet calling experience. As users move over to Meet calling, some of the legacy Duo calling features will no longer be available. In addition, any reference to what was formerly known as Duo will now show 'legacy'.
When is this changing?
Starting in August 2024, users will start seeing the new Meet calling experience. This will be rolled out globally in the months following.
Why is this changing?
Google Meet is now a cohesive video communication solution, offering both direct video calls and scheduled meeting experiences. By bringing these capabilities together, we are able to further invest in new, innovative experiences, maintain high-quality standards and offer better supportability so that users can connect with anyone, from anywhere, at any time. To facilitate a smooth transition, we have maintained the core calling functionalities that users rely on the most, while a few features will no longer be available.
When will legacy calling no longer be available?
After all users have been migrated to the new Meet calling experience on the upgraded Meet app, legacy calling will no longer be available.

Feature changes

What new features will I have access to?
Why can't I see the old Duo features?

The following legacy calling features will no longer be available on the new Meet calling experience:

Meanwhile, Meet calling offers many new features and alternatives like in-call chat, live captions, screen sharing and more to help people connect with others whenever and however it works for them.

How come I am being called on my email?

Previously, Duo allowed users to determine if they wanted to be reached by their phone number and/or on their email. Meet calling defaults to you being reachable on your email.

To restrict who can call you on your personal account:

  1. Go to Menu.
  2. Select Settings and then General.
  3. Turn on Only contacts can call me.
How come when I call one person they can see my incoming feed, but another can't?

This is due to the legacy feature Knock Knock, which shares your incoming video feed in legacy calls. If you are still using legacy calling but you're calling someone who uses the new Meet calling experience, Knock Knock is not offered. If both you and the recipient use the legacy experience, Knock Knock is available. After all participants have migrated to Meet calling, Knock Knock will no longer be available. Learn more about Knock Knock.

Ringing issues

How come I am not receiving a ring? How come I am not receiving a missed call notification on my device even though someone has called me?
This could be due to your device being off or disconnected. In the future, you will see missed call notifications even if your device is off or disconnected.
I started a call in Chat or Gmail, but it didn't go through
Calls started in Chat or Gmail will only ring users who have Chat or Gmail installed, notifications turned on and the ability to receive Meet calls turned on. Currently, Chat and Gmail calls don't ring Meet directly. Learn more about why your device didn't ring.


How come my incoming or outgoing call screen says one name, but in the call I see a different name?

The incoming and outgoing call screens are using your saved contact information from contacts.google.com. In the call, we are showing that contact's preferred Google profile name.

I am searching for a contact via their phone number, but it doesn't show that they're signed up (reachable) in Meet even though I know that they are

If you haven't consented to sharing your local device contacts with Google, we won't be able to show whether a person is reachable or not when you search for them. To resolve this, you can give permission to share your device contacts with Google and they will also be available across all your devices.

To turn on permission to share your device contacts with Google:

  1. Go to https://myactivity.google.com/devicecontacts.
  2. Turn on Save contact info from your signed-in devices.
How come I have 'Only contacts can call me', but someone that I haven't saved as a contact is still able to reach me?

When you interact with people on Google services, you could be automatically saving them as a contact. Learn more about this setting and how to turn it off.

Group calling

How come I can't add users to or remove users from a group anymore?

New group calling no longer supports adding or removing users directly. Instead, you can start a new group call with the user(s) added or removed.

Why is the group calling option not available on the web?

The new group calling experience on the web is still in the process of being rolled out. You can continue to access the legacy group calling experience at meet.google.com/calling.

Web calling

I used to be able to receive calls and place calls to someone at meet.google.com, but I can't now. Why?

During the rollout of the new Meet calling on the web, not all users will be immediately eligible. To access legacy calling at any time, you can go to meet.google.com/calling or call from your mobile device. Once we've completed the rollout, you will be able to place calls at meet.google.comLearn how to make Meet calls with Google Meet.

Calling on Nest

I just signed in to my Nest, but it isn't ringing

Newly registered Nest devices may take up to 48 hours to be able to receive incoming legacy calls but will automatically be able to make outgoing calls.

Will my Nest device receive Meet calling?

Nest devices don't currently support Meet calling.

Why can't I access the latest Meet calling on my mobile device?

Nest devices currently only support legacy calls. If you use your Nest device for legacy calls, you won't be able to receive the Meet calling update on your mobile device. You can continue to receive legacy calls on your Nest devices and remain in the legacy experience on mobile.

Legacy calling

How come some calls switch back to legacy calling even though I've updated my app?

This could be due to several factors:

  • You have a Nest device associated with your account and these aren't yet supported for Meet calling.
  • New Meet calling hasn't been released to your region yet.
  • The person that you're calling hasn't received the new Meet calling.
  • The person that you're calling hasn't updated their application.
Can I set legacy calls as my default or go back from a Meet call to a legacy call?
No. Once all users are using the updated Meet app, legacy calling will no longer be accessible.
What happens if I delete my legacy account?
If you delete your legacy account, your calls will instead be made through the new Meet calling experience once it's available for you. If you have not yet updated your Meet app and logged in with your account or if new Meet calling hasn't been rolled out to you yet, you may no longer be reachable. Once you begin using new Meet calling, you will no longer have access to some legacy calling features.

Phone numbers

How come I can't verify my phone number?

This could be due to several factors:


How come I can no longer send or receive messages?

Video and voice messages are currently supported on only one account per device and for personal accounts only (not available for enterprise customers).

To move the ability to send or receive messages to a different account:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Calling settings (legacy) and then Legacy calling account.
  1. Remove calling account on the account that has messages.
    • This will delete all messages on the current account.
    • Before you remove your legacy calling account, make sure to export your messages.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Tap Add legacy calling account to the account that doesn't have messages.

Child accounts

How come when I call my child the call doesn't go through?

To protect children, underage personal accounts automatically only receive calls from contacts. Make sure that you are a contact of your child at contacts.google.com.

My child used to be able to receive calls, but now they can't
Your child's account was at one point not considered to be an underage account, but it now is. As a result, we restrict children to only receiving calls from contacts. Make sure that you are a contact of your child at contacts.google.com.
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