Mar 27, 2019

How can I get the compass back for navigation?

I noticed that the compass is completely gone when I'm using Google Maps navigation! Now there's no way to tell what direction I'm driving in. The only related option in Navigation Settings that I could see was to have the map North up at all times but I hate driving like that. There used to be a compass icon that would show you what direction you were driving in at all times. How do I get that back??
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Last edited May 18, 2019
Recommended Answer
May 22, 2019
Note posting comments here probably won't help. Google isn't reading this thread!
Use the 'Feedback' tool in Google Maps itself!
Last edited May 26, 2019
Platinum Product Expert barryhunter recommended this
Recommended Answer
May 4, 2019
Just happened across a potential 'workaround'. 

Use: Navigation for Google Maps Go
Its a 'light' version of Navigation for use with Google Maps Go. 
... it still has the compass*, and the side benefit of less other clutter found in normal Google Maps. 
which can toggle first person and top down, on the fly by tapping it. 
Product Expert Alumni Map Wrangler recommended this
Recommended Answer
Mar 27, 2019
Unfortunately there is no good way to do what you ask.  You can Submit Feedback / Your Opinion about Maps yo suggest the developers return the feature. You can view the compass when browsing the map. That would be tricky to pull off safely while driving but you can still use the compass just not as well. 
Last edited May 21, 2019
Original Poster Esther Kim marked this as an answer
All Replies (56)
Recommended Answer
Mar 27, 2019
Unfortunately there is no good way to do what you ask.  You can Submit Feedback / Your Opinion about Maps yo suggest the developers return the feature. You can view the compass when browsing the map. That would be tricky to pull off safely while driving but you can still use the compass just not as well. 
Last edited May 21, 2019
Original Poster Esther Kim marked this as an answer
Sep 29, 2019
Of course a compass on a map is mandatory, and whoever decided to hide it permanently, on a navigation app used by millions, should be fired. I had to dig into options to bring back the driving view, which before was just a tap on the compass, and allowed easily to alternate both views. If you look for alternatives, try Magic Earth, it's very good!
Oct 7, 2019
Fire the jerk that made a voice say "head West and..." And then took away the thing that tells you which way is what. If I knew where I was, I wouldn't use a navigation app.  I'm trying MapQuest. They were one of the originals, still have an app AND it has a compass. Also sent a feedback in Maps to Google and linked this thread.
Nov 16, 2019
Bring the compass back!!!
Nov 23, 2019
Bring the compass back.
Dec 12, 2019
Please bring the compass back
Dec 22, 2019
Dec 28, 2019
This is a deal breaker. Bring the compass back.
Jan 7, 2020
I'm lost which way is north? Who ever looked at a map without being aware of direction? Go to Waze.
Feb 14, 2020
we need the compass, please!
Feb 17, 2020
The worlds most advanced consumer navigation app with no compass...
Feb 20, 2020
How does a navigation app not have a compass at all times!? Bring it back please.
Feb 28, 2020
Duh. Google. Maps have had a NSEW indicator for centuries. Most of the population is still savvy enough for them to matter. I'm sorry your hipster engineers don't understand them. That just makes me really concerned about the future of b humanity when we lose basic human knowledge. In words maybe your hipster engineers can understand: Google, today you made me sad.
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