Apr 11, 2023

My 1 star google review isn’t public but if I change it to a 5 star review it becomes public again

I posted a long honest and clean 1 star review about my local vets , who have many 5 star reviews , but for some reason it is not public , I thought it was , but just discovered only I can see it when Logged into my google account , nobody else can from any other PC . I heard google block long bad reviews , and only allow short bad reviews to go through , this is to make them look like dim wits who write them , companies won’t use google services if they keep getting bad reviews from them or something along those lines anyway . Whatever the reason is just Try this simple test yourself if you don’t believe me . I done a test , I changed my exact same review to 5 stars and it instantly became public , I changed it back to 1 star and it disappeared , I repeated this test over and over many times with the exact same results . Would anybody like to explain this phenomenon  .
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All Replies (2)
Apr 11, 2023
Hi User 13140878578441343795,

Could you please provide a link to your Maps profile, a link to the business, and a fully copy or screenshot of the review?

I heard google block long bad reviews , and only allow short bad reviews to go through , this is to make them look like dim wits who write them , companies won’t use google services if they keep getting bad reviews from them or something along those lines anyway .

Where did you hear that from? It does not seem based on fact to me. People can make all sorts of claims. If long, negative reviews are not being posted, it is likely because the content within those reviews contains something that Google does not like, rather than any blanket ban or blocking of long reviews. If you think about it, a negative review that is 500 words long could be more likely to contain offensive words, phrases or content that Google does not like compared to a 50 word review, so in those kind of instances, yes, Google may filter those longer reviews, but it is more likely because of the content than the length. However, the same is true of positive reviews. There have been a few posts on this forum where users have had long, positive reviews not published. Length is probably taken into consideration for all reviews.  

I done a test , I changed my exact same review to 5 stars and it instantly became public , I changed it back to 1 star and it disappeared , I repeated this test over and over many times with the exact same results .

I am not sure if I have seen anyone report similar experiences to that before, so I do not know about that specific behaviour. I suppose it could be possible that certain words or phrases are more likely to be filtered in a negative review than a positive, but I do not know and I am just speculating. 


Apr 11, 2023
This is my review that only becomes public when I change it to 5 stars .
Sammy my cat sadly passed away on the 05/04 2023 while in intensive care at a 24h emergency vets later that evening , losing a loved pet is like losing a family member or even worse , its been a few days now and my head is just starting to clear after the trauma I have just been through .
This is my experience of your practice
I brought my cat sammy to you late morning early afternoon , as I  suspected someone had poisoned him , I explained he came in last night with a throthy mouth and was acting a bit strange , I can remember saying , what have you been eating ? In the morning I could see something was realy wrong with him and he was getting worse , he could still stand up at this point but you could see he is very unwell .
I rushed him straight to you as I live around the corner . I payed £99.00 to see your vet as quick as possible as it was an emergency
He didnt know what was wrong , said he was a bit cold and his BP was low , I explained he was normally a lively and healthy 8 year old indoor cat , he has access to a secure back yard and I think someone has poisened him or he ate something thrown over my fence , my cat was degrading fast , he looked so ill .
We can do a blood test , OK I said , the results came back quite quick , He seems OK , couple of little things but fine , hes a bit cold we can warm him up on a heat mat if you want for £200
my cat is now back home with me by a radiator .
About half hour later my cat has taking a turn for the worse , he started vomiting with horrible little meows , he looked so scared bless his little soul . I can see this is getting serious .
I rush him back to you explaining what has happend , We can put him on a heat mat .
Hes on this stupid heat mat for the rest of the day up untill late evening , I get a call hes getting a lot worse and I have to pick him up at 7pm and take him to the emergency 24 hour vet in langstone because you are closing soon .
Imediately on arrival he had an ultrasound scan and within mins they found out he has eaten some string or something and it was cutting into his intestines , It is now too risky to operate as he is too week and has septic shock . They have to stabalise him first , they done everything to save him ,They have all the latest equiptment .
He sadly passed away at 1.20 am , they did resusitate him once , but his brain was starved of oxygen for too long
looking back on this with a clearer head ,  If my cat had went to the other vets first , None of this would have happend , you could clearly see that something very bad was wrong with him and he wasnt going to be well at 7.00pm . Why did you keep him there that long wasting precious time watching him deteriate , taking my money . He wasnt going to be remarkably cured by closing time sat on a warm mat was he ? I told you I think he has been poisoned or eaten something bad  , Why didnt you test for this , dont you have Ultrasound there ? And that blood test ?
He should have been referd to the emergency 24 hour vet straight away , or anywhere better equipped than your shoddy shop . You stick to Hair loss and putting pets to sleep , leave the real veterinarian work to the professionals , You kept him there for Hours when he could have been having the correct treatment in a place where they know what they are doing . you knew you were closing at 7.00 pm
All those hours wasted while my beloved furbaby was dying on your heat mat if put to proper use would have saved his life . you should have counted your losses and sent him straight to a place with better facility’s .
You made the wrong decision , you were too greedy , as a result my dear furbaby is dead  .
If anyone else reads this , I hope it helps them in there desicion where to take there pets  , Overal this harrowing experience cost me £1700 ,  I live alone , he was my best friend , I miss him so much .
RIP Sweetheart I will always love you
Apr 11, 2023
Thank you for the review. Could you please provide a link to your Maps profile and a link to the business profile?

Apr 14, 2023
Hi Anthony,

The Google team have reinstated the review, so it is now public.


Apr 14, 2023
Thank you ever so much . 
Apr 14, 2023
Hi William , sorry to be a pain I think it was public for 5 mins ,  until I edited the part , maybe half an hour to an hour , then it disappeared again , all I did was take the word half out , please one last time can you investigate for me , I won't change anything whatsover next time , l was just getting my facts right as it was about an hour later , if that is actually the reason its gone again . I have spoken to the vets since then , I asked what there complaints procedure is , both of them are blaming each other at the moment, best regards Anthony . .

Last edited Apr 14, 2023
Apr 15, 2023
Hi William,  thank you for all your help , I have decided to remove my review completely , its still not public , I just can't take any more of the stress its too much , best wishes , Anthony. 
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