Sep 2, 2022

How do I remove an invalid house number?

I have spent an idle hour trying to correct the numbering issues and fill in the blanks on the road I live on, however someone (I think a bot) had added number 55 to our road but there is no number 55 (our house numbers are odds on one side, evens on the other, but the shape of the road means there are more evens than odds).
On the Google Help for maps it gives instructions for requesting a delete but I think this relates to businesses and other POI because when I click on the address then click on Suggest an edit there is no "Cancel or remove" option.
This is not an isolated incident, within a mile of my house there are at least 4 such addresses seemingly randomly added (hence me thinking it is a bot that has done this rather than a human - perhaps using an algorithm based on average property width and the assumed start end of the street).
Anyone found the way to achieve this please?
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Recommended Answer
Sep 16, 2022
"103 The St, Bramford, Ipswich IP8 4DY" - There is literally nothing here
According to Royal Mail, it is a valid address, so I will not ask the Google team to remove it without additional information. Other mapping providers like Bing Maps and Apple Maps show the location as being here, but I do not know if that is accurate. I cannot see any signage on Street View. 


Original Poster FixItDik marked this as an answer
Recommended Answer
Sep 16, 2022
Hi Dik,

Sorry for the delay here; I have been away for work, and I have not had much time to check emails or research issues. I am not sure anyone is offended by you bumping a thread, but please remember that I am a volunteer and I am contributing when I am available to do so, which means I am not always going to respond quickly. I will check the addresses and then forward them to the Google team. 

If there is bad/outdated address data in a certain region, which seems to be the case here, I would recommend contacting the local council and seeing if they can provide updates to Google using the Geo Data Upload. They can then share all of the road/address data directly, rather than editing addresses individually.


Original Poster FixItDik marked this as an answer
All Replies (19)
Sep 6, 2022
Hi Dik,

The Google help article provides instructions related to the deletion of points of interest, like business listings; only the Google team are able to remove address markers from the map. Please provide links to the four addresses.


Sep 7, 2022
Hi William, 

That's good to know, perhaps a specific area of this "forum" could be set aside for such requests (i.e. anything that requires the Google team to correct)?

In the future how do I attract the attention of yourself (or another team member) as/when I find more addresses that need removing please?

In the meantime, here are the details of the addresses:
  1. "55 Hazel Rise, Claydon, UK" (put this in the search box of Maps) - zoom in and note that the odd numbers in the street end at 49 and that number 55 is marked on the top of the house that is also correctly numbered 35
  2. "33 Newell Rise, Claydon, UK" - zoom in and you will see that the house numbered as 33 is also (correctly) numbered as 31. Go to street view and you can see the number 31 on the door. There are no more houses on the street (it ends at 31).
  3. "56 Church Lane, Claydon, UK" - Church Lane does not have house numbers, unlike America where every house is assigned a number, here in the UK there are streets where the houses only have names, Church Lane is one of them. This particular marker could be corrected to "Claydon High School, Church Lane" which, very oddly, does not yet have an entry (or I can add that entry independently of you removing this non-existing house number, please just let me know which you would prefer)
  4. "134 Church Lane, Claydon, UK" - again, see previous comment but also note that this one isn't even anywhere near a building
  5. Same goes for: "34 Hall Lane, Claydon, UK"
Please do let me know the correct path for reporting these in the future as I am sure I will find more

Best regards

Last edited Sep 7, 2022
Sep 7, 2022
PS While I have your attention William, please can you help with the following similar (but not the same) issues where I have submitted a correction to a location of a house number but the person who applied it has created a new "pin" rather than just moving the incorrect one thus resulting in two instances of a house number on the maps:

  1. "33 York Crescent, Claydon, UK" - the correct one is just to the right of the one that shows up if you do a search (clear if you look at the way the surrounding houses are numbered)
  2. "4 Laurel Way, Claydon, UK" - the correct one is the one found by the search but if you scroll up and to the right you will see another one over the house that is also (correctly) labelled as 7 Hazel Rise
  3. "5 Hazel Rise, Claydon UK" - the search locates a marker that is clearly and correctly also marked as number 3 and number 5 does have a correct marker so this extra number 5 needs removing
  4. "9 Hazel Rise, Claydon, UK" - you will see there are two house numbers on the same house, not earth shattering but would be tidier to remove one, however there is a lovely twist in that there is in fact a THIRD number 9: scroll south down the street a little and you will find number 17, behind that is a house that is in fact number 15 (it has a long drive wrapping round number 17 which I tried to add as a missing road but the edit got declined) and as the Google car did not go down the drive they also refuse to add the number 15 here too! (though if you look at the satellite image it is clearly a house and then look at the other house numbers before and after it then it is logically number 15 - I can send a photo/video evidence if that would help)
  5. "6 Willow Close, Claydon, UK" - this is a fun one - the one found by the search is correct, but to it's left is another building also labelled as number 6 (which is actually number 7) and to its left is number 7 (which is actually number 8) and to its left is a house labelled as both 8 and 9 (which is in fact number 9)
Like I say, I will be finding more of these I am sure so please do let me know the best way to report them :)
Last edited Sep 7, 2022
Sep 7, 2022
A couple more I forgot about:
  1. "4 Hazel Rise, Claydon, UK" - there are two numbers on the same house
  2. "4 Church Lane, Claydon, UK" - as mentioned in my earlier comments there are no house numbers on Church Lane - this was added in the confusion over number 4 Hazel Rise (and if you zoom in close enough you see there are two markers on this house, both need deleting)
  3. "28 Newell Rise, Claydon, UK" - the building found by the search is also correctly numbered 29, the building just south of it is correctly numbered 28 so the one found by the search needs removing.
Last edited Sep 7, 2022
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