
Á næstu mánuðum breytist heiti stillingarinnar Staðsetningarferill í Tímalína. Ef kveikt er á Staðsetningarferli á reikningnum þínum geturðu fundið Tímalínu í stillingum forritsins og reikningsins.

Síðan sem þú baðst um er ekki í boði á þínu tungumáli sem stendur. Þú getur valið annað tungumál neðst á síðunni eða skyndiþýtt hvaða vefsíðu sem er yfir á tungumál að eigin vali með því að nota innbyggðan þýðingareiginleika Google Chrome.

Discover new places & experiences

To learn about places and events in areas that interest you, check Google Maps. You’ll see personal recommendations, recent reviews, and trending spots. This information may contain content from different sources, including our partners, our users, or the public web.

Tip: Google may remove content if we learn that it violates our content policies or if it violates applicable laws. Results shown in the Updates section in Google Maps are not influenced by payment from other companies. Paid content in Google Maps is labeled.

We use personalization signals derived from location history and web and app activity to influence what content is displayed on Google Maps. Learn more about location history and web and app activity and how to turn them off.

 Important: This feature isn't available in all countries.

Find places suggested for you

  1. On your Android phone, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. At the bottom, tap Updates Updates.
  3. Under "Following," you'll see recommendations and updates about places and events in your areas.

Explore suggested places

  • To find what’s new and interesting, scroll through updates.
  • To find where a place is located, in the top right of the card, tap Map Map.
  • When you find a place you want to visit, tap Want to go Want to go. It will be saved in your "Want to go" list.
  • To find your "Want to go" list, tap Saved Save place. Under "Your lists," tap Want to go Want to Go.

Where suggestions & updates come from

In Google Maps, you’ll find recommendations for places and experiences in neighborhoods, cities, and regions that we think you’ll like. The suggestions are based on your Location History, your saved Home and Work, and your Maps activity. The suggestions are ranked based on timeliness and relevance of places and events to your preferences.

The Updates section shows updates about:

  • People and businesses you follow
  • Places Google Maps thinks you'll be interested in

Select areas you're interested in

  1. On your Android phone, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. At the bottom, tap Updates Updates.
  3. Scroll down to the recommendations card, then tap More More and then Manage your areas.
    Tip: You can create a list of areas you're interested in or not interested in.
  4. Choose an option:
    • To remove an area from this list, tap Remove Remove.
    • To add a new area, tap Add area and move the map.
    • Tap Select area.

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