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Explore new street-level details

In some cities around the world, you can now find street-level details, like crosswalks, sidewalks, and true-to-scale road widths, within Maps. These details help you more accurately explore an area and make plans before you visit. This can be especially helpful when you navigate on foot or have accessibility needs, like wheelchair or stroller requirements.

Important: This feature is only available in select cities.

Find street-level details on your map

When you explore an area in Maps where street-level details are available, zoom in on your map to find:

  • Accurately scaled road widths
  • Pathways and stairs in parks
  • Sidewalks
  • Crosswalks
  • Medians and pedestrian islands

Some map areas with street-level details might have uneven borders.

Tip: If you run into an issue or want to submit feedback about the new feature, create a post in our community forums so that a product expert can help you.

Find detailed lane information on your map

  • Lane markers and centerlines
  • Driving lane types such as HOV or right-turn only
  • Non-driving lane types such as bike lanes or parking lanes

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