Marketing & publicity guidelines

You can market and publicize your organization's participation in Google Maps Content Partners. You can also promote our partnership in your organization's marketing communications. 

Make sure to use our guidelines below when you write a press release or talk to the media.


Be clear about our partnership

Tell your organization that you've added to your organization's data to Google Maps and Google Earth. Explain how your organization and customers will benefit from how they can find and use your content.

Do not overstate or disclose the terms of your partnership with Google

We want you to publicize our partnership, but do not disclose the terms of our content license agreement unless you’re allowed to under our content license agreement's "Publicity" and "Confidentiality" provisions, if any. Do not say or imply that we have a relationship beyond your participation in Google Maps Content Partners.

Do not say or imply that you’re an exclusive partner with Google

Your communications must clearly say you participate in Google Maps Content Partners. Do not say or imply that you have an exclusive agreement with Google.

Do not talk about launch plans

If we share launch plans with you, such as when your content will be published, do not share this information outside of your organization. 

Press releases & media

Press releases are OK

If you want to issue a release, we need to review and approve it. All press releases that mention Google must be sent for review at least 7 business days before the announcement.
To get approval for your press release, send a copy to Make sure to include when you plan  to issue the release, how you’ll distribute it, and who will get it.

We can’t write joint press releases

We don't write joint releases. We also can’t participate in a joint media outreach. However, we can provide a quote for your release using the template below.

We’re pleased that [organization’s] content is now available on Google Maps and Google Earth, helping to make the map more useful for everyone in [area].

Wait for your content to be published

Do not write a press release announcing your partnership with Google until your content is published on Google services.

Limit the number of press releases

Please limit the number of press releases to one every three months. 

Don’t speak for Google, its representatives, or products

You can conduct interviews and give statements about your organization's specific involvement. But do not speak for Google or speculate about any Google initiatives. We can answer questions from the press about Google, our strategy, or our products. You can direct questions to

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