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Draft emails with Gemini in Gmail (Workspace Labs)

Important: This article refers to Google Workspace Labs, which is a trusted tester program for users to try new AI features. To check if you have access to Workspace Labs features, start a new message in Gmail. At the bottom of the compose window, find Help me write . Learn where you can use Workspace Labs features.

In Gmail, you can use Gemini to draft emails based on your prompts. You can use the Help me write button in Gmail to:

  • Write a new draft using a freeform prompt. For example, you can ask Gemini to write a birthday invitation or an introduction to a potential business contact.
  • Refine a draft. For example, if you enter a rough outline into a draft, Gemini can make the content completely formal.

Write a new draft with Gemini in Gmail

An animation showing how to use AI in Gmail to write a cover letter for a job in marketing

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. At the top left, click Compose.
    • You can also reply to an email thread.
  3. At the bottom left of the window, click Help me write .
  4. Enter a prompt. For example:
    • “A thank you letter for my job interview”
    • “A birthday invitation for my 5-year-old”
    • “Ask my friend for restaurant recommendations in Toronto”
  5. Click Create.
  6. (Optional) After generating your draft, click:
    • Recreate: Generate a new draft based on your prompt. After you create a new version of the draft, you can’t go back to the previous version.
    • Refine: Revise the text in the draft.
      • Formalize: Make the draft more formal.
      • Elaborate: Add additional details to the draft.
      • Shorten: Shorten the draft.
  7. If your draft looks good, click Insert.


  • For better results, include:
    1. Recipient
    2. Topic
    3. Tone you want to express in your prompt

For example, "An apology to my child's teacher for their absence."

  • To get a draft you like, it may take a few tries. To submit a different prompt:
    1. At the top right of the draft, tap Close .
    2. Enter a new prompt.

Refine a draft with Gemini in Gmail

An animation showing how to use AI in Gmail to refine a cover letter draft

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. At the top left, click Compose.
    • You can also reply to an email thread or open an existing draft.
  3. Write your message.
  4. At the bottom left of the window, click Help me write (Labs) .
  5. Choose an option from the menu:
    • Polish: Refine your draft.
    • Formalize: Make the draft more formal.
    • Elaborate: Add additional details to the draft.
    • Shorten: Shorten the draft.
  6. (Optional) After refining your draft, click:
    • Recreate: Generate a new draft. After you create a new version of the draft, you can’t go back to the previous version.
    • Refine: Revise the text again.
  7. If your draft looks good, click Insert.

Give feedback about a draft

Gemini for Google Workspace is constantly learning and may not be able to support your request.

If the generated draft is inaccurate or looks unsafe, you can let us know by submitting feedback. Your feedback can help improve AI-assisted Workspace features and broader Google efforts in AI.

  1. Below the generated text, click Good suggestion or Bad suggestion .
  2. To share detailed feedback, click Tell us more.
    • To share general feedback, click Feedback Feedback .
  3. Click Submit.


Troubleshooting issues with Workspace Labs features

  • Sometimes, you may not be able to select the Help me write button. When this happens, try again later.
  • If you're having trouble entering prompts or have issues generating drafts, try reloading your browser (if you’re on a computer) or closing and reopening the Gmail app (if you’re on Android or iOS).
  • To use Workspace Labs features in the Gmail app, make sure your device language is set to US English. Learn more about changing language settings.

Turn off Workspace Labs

To turn off any of the features on Google Workspace Labs, you must exit Workspace Labs. If you exit, you will permanently lose access to all Workspace Labs features, and you won’t be able to rejoin Workspace Labs. Learn more about how to exit Workspace Labs.

Learn about Workspace Labs feature suggestions

  • Workspace Labs feature suggestions don’t represent Google’s views, and should not be attributed to Google.
  • Don’t rely on Workspace Labs features as medical, legal, financial or other professional advice.
  • Workspace Labs features may suggest inaccurate or inappropriate information. Your feedback makes Workspace Labs more helpful and safe.
  • Don’t include personal, confidential, or sensitive information in your prompts.
  • Google uses Workspace Labs data and metrics to provide, improve, and develop products, services, and machine learning technologies across Google.
  • Your Workspace Labs Data may also be read, rated, annotated, and reviewed by human reviewers. Importantly, where Google uses Google-selected input (as described in the Privacy Notice) to generate output, Google will aggregate and/or pseudonymize that content and resulting output before it is viewed by human reviewers, unless it is specifically provided as part of your feedback to Google.

You can review the Google Workspace Labs Privacy Notice and Terms for Personal Accounts.

How Workspace Labs data in Gmail is collected

When you use the "Help me write” prompt in Gmail, Google uses and stores the following data:

  • Prompts you enter or select
  • Generated text
  • Your feedback on generated text
  • Text in the draft you refine
  • Up to four previous email messages in the thread when you use the “Help me write” prompt to reply to an email

To understand how this data is used, review the Google Workspace Labs Privacy Notice and Terms for Personal Accounts.

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