Forum Posts
Can't apply custom currency format
I want to display a sum of a field I have on a Google Sheets document. While it does display it, I would like ...
Display the results of a multiple-choice questions in a single graph
Hello everyone.How can I display the results of a multiple-choice questions in a single graph showing percenta...
Tables not adjusting for a selected date range
Hi everyone, I’m working on a report that displays team metrics, including the team average and a ranked list ...
Feature Request: Set specific colors for each range in Gauge Charts
Gauge Charts are great for dashboars. Currently, in Looker Studio, you can only choose from a pre-defined colo...
Looker Studio, it’s not bringing all the information from my SQL database to the Dashboard
I have a problem in Looker Studio, it’s not bringing all the information from my SQL database to the Dashboard...
looker studio is not working from 20 feb 2025
Looker Studio does not have data from 20 Feb 2025, is there any Issue bug?
Report is not loading data without manual refresh data.
I am new to working with Looker reports and apologize if this question has already been answered elsewhere. I ...
Not sure how to approach a slightly complex filter problem...
Hello,I have a problem that I thought was reltively straight forward (as it is simple in Google Sheets) but is...
Navigational Link in my image reload the entire presentation
Hi there,I used an image as a navigational link; however, when I used a text link it simply changes the page o...
Missing built in variable "click text" in Looker Studio
Hi,I am experiencing an issue where the built-in variable "click text" is not appearing in Looker Studio Repor...
Looker studio not fetch all columns from google sheets
Hi, I made a looker studio dashboard by using google sheet as a data source. There are 25columns in google she...
Report: Looker Studio abused for phishing emails
Hello there! I wasn't really sure where to post this, but maybe this community could be able to provide me som...
How to opt out of Looker Studio emails permanently?
I have zero interest in being made a part of yet another platform/service google made to assist scammers in th...
Calculatet Field in Blend Data Source
Hi,I have the following problem: I have a simple column based on blend1, and I need to create a calculated col...
Why are there Japanese characters in my Top Landing Pages widget
I'm not sure why I am seeing the Japanese or Chinese characters in my top landing pages widget. There is nothi...
Single 100% stacked bar chart
I have data in a google sheetCategoryOrdersS40S40A10A10How can I create a single stacked bar chart to appear l...
New Feature: Warnings for external links (Deactivate this feature?)
Since January 09, 2025 a new function has been added to Lookerstudio.Warnings for external linksWhen users cli...
como automatizar a criação de um relatório do looker studio
Eu tenho uma automação que criamos a planilha e inserimos dados nela periodicamente, quero incluir nessa autom...
Help | Months are not in correct order
When I create a vertical bar chart with all 12 months I want January to start on the left through December on ...
Blended Data - Aggregation / Field Type
Hi everyone, I'm blending 2 sources, in a left outer join being the left table:Product code | Name | Guestsand...
compare two time series in looker studio
HiI would like to compare two time series on a single graph, one relating to planned budget of activities and ...
Radar Chart Error
Hello,Does anyone have any insight into what happened to the Radar Charts by ClickInsight (I b community visua...
Pivot chart does not appear when sorting applied
Hi,I have a pivot chart against which "sorting" has been applied to row using a calculated field.This appears ...
Metric (Google ads - cost) not correct
Hi! I'm a beginner when it comes to Looker Studio and was wondering if someone could tell me why my Google Ads...
Postgres not connecting
Am getting this error while trying to connect Postgres database to Looker Studio:"Sorry, we encountered an err...
Transferring Looker Studio Ownership
Hi there,I created a Looker Studio report and need to transfer ownership to our client. My client owns the dat...
Looker Studioで3/14頃より、PDF出力時にグラフや表の数値・ラベルが表示されず、テーマ設定でフォントを別途設定の「Roboto」から「Arial」に変更したところ「数値」は表示されたが、テキストボックスや...
Looker - Conditional Formatting problem
Hi, I have a table with 27 columns and need that each column have a Conditional Formatting with 3 different co...
Date Range Control Not Changing Chart Results in Looker Studio
Hi everyone,I'm having trouble with the Date Range Control in Looker Studio. I have two charts:One chart shows...
Milliseconds column in csv to usable time value
Hello,Surprised at how such a simple problem seems to be so complex to solve. I have a csv a number column tha...