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Metric slider

Filter charts by metric value.

You can use a metric slider to filter a chart by metric value. For example, you can limit the chart to only show Orders where the total value is between $100 and $200, or where Levels Completed (in a game) is less than 5.

Add metric sliders to a chart

  1. Edit your report.
  2. Select a chart.
    1. You can add sliders to tables, time series, line charts, bar charts, pie charts, area charts, treemaps, scatter charts, and geo maps.
  3. In the Properties panel, select the SETUP tab.

  4. Under Metric, turn on Metric sliders.
  5. If necessary, add one or more metrics to the chart.
A chart can have metric sliders or optional metrics, but not both.

Use metric sliders

  1. View or edit your report.
  2. Hover over a chart that has metric sliders turned on.
  3. Above the top right corner of the chart, click Metric sliders Metric sliders icon..
  4. Each metric in your chart has a slider: if necessary, scroll the list to see more of your metrics.
  5. Drag the left and right ends of the slider to adjust the lower and upper boundaries of the range for a selected metric. Or type in the numbers directly using the entry fields on the left and right.

For a table chart that has metric sliders for Cost and Clicks, a user slides the Cost metric to adjust the value range from 27 through 55, and leaves the Clicks metric slider range set from 1 through 193.

  1. To reset an individual slider to its default values, click Clear.
  2. To reset the entire chart, hover over the chart and click Reset Reset chart icon.
    1. This resets all chart options, including metric sliders, optional metrics, drill down, and sorting.
Filtering by one metric doesn't affect the other metrics in the chart.


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