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BigQuery integrations

How to use BigQuery and Looker Studio together with other Google products

Some Google products export data directly into BigQuery tables. When you add a BigQuery connection to Looker Studio, Looker Studio will automatically enrich the fields to include common aggregations, calculations, and field names.

Explore BigQuery data in Looker Studio

Data analysts can explore BigQuery data using Looker Studio from within the BigQuery console. Simply run your query or select a table, and then use the Explore in Looker Studio option to visualize the data in a Looker Studio report.

Take the tutorial.

BigQuery BI Engine

BigQuery BI Engine is a fast, in-memory analysis service. By using BigQuery BI Engine with Looker Studio, you can significantly improve your report performance while reducing compute costs.

Introduction to BigQuery BI Engine.

Google Analytics BigQuery export

When Looker Studio encounters a table that was generated by Google Analytics BigQuery Export, the table will have a Google Analytics icon next to it. When you connect a Google Analytics table into Looker Studio, many of the common metrics found in Google Analytics will automatically be created as Looker Studio fields.

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