Local Services Ads show you reports that help you understand how your ad is performing.
- Understand how many leads you're getting from your ad
- Track your ad’s success by measuring whether your leads are converting to bookings
About Local Services ad reports
You can specify the period for your report. The Local Services ad reports show you:
- The number of charged leads that you received in the period from potential customers who saw your ad on Google search results pages.
- The total amount you were charged during this period
- A list of all leads you received, which you can filter
- U.S. & Canada only:
- The amount of lead credits you received during this period
- The number of bookings and your booking rate (percent of leads marked as booked out of charged leads received during the period)
How to view your Local Services ad reports
You can view your Local Services ad reports in your lead inbox on desktop. If you manage multiple businesses, you can also use the Local Services API.
- Open your Local Services Ads inbox.
- Click the
menu at the top.
- Click Reports.
Local Services API
Local Services API allows MCC managers to access reporting data for all their managed accounts in a scalable, programmatic way. It covers data about leads, account performance and costs. It is best suited for large companies managing multiple Local Services Ads accounts. Learn more about how to set up API.
How to mark leads as booked
Marking leads as booked lets you track your booking rate on the Reports page. While marking a lead as booked, you can also add additional details to track your leads by job type and customer name. If you add these details you can use the filters on the Reports page to find these leads later.
- Open the Local Services Ads inbox.
- Choose a lead from the inbox.
- Click Mark Booked in the upper right corner.
- Select the date if the job is in the future, or indicate if it’s already completed.
- Click Add details for tracking to add more details about the lead, including job type and customer name. These details are only visible to you.
- Click Save.