About License Verified by Google

Note: License Verified by Google is currently only available in select verticals in the US.

The License Verified by Google badge helps users understand health care practices’ and providers’ qualifications and licensing. The screening process is free of charge for practices and providers. Learn more about the screening and verification process

Health care practices and providers with the License Verified by Google badge have passed license checks, background checks, and shown proof of insurance. Checks are conducted by Local Service Ads, our trusted partners, or state regulatory bodies. Local Service Ads verifies that professional licenses are current both when businesses join Local Services and periodically on an ongoing basis.

How to tell if a provider has been License Verified by Google

On Local Services listings, you will find the License Verified by Google icon next to these health care practices and providers.

Who it covers

Health care practices and providers who offer health care services including dentistry are eligible for the License Verified by Google badge.

How it works

All health care practices and providers with a License verified by Google badge must pass background and license checks. Both health care practices and providers must have an accepted insurance, such as for general liability and medical malpractice.

National Provider Identifier (NPI) verification is also a prerequisite to serve ads in Local Services Ads. Learn more about Business screening and verification requirements

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