Google Trademark complaint form



For the most efficient review of your complaints, please make sure you are logged in to a Google Account associated with your corporate email address when submitting the complaint form. See how to sign out or switch accounts, or how to use an existing email address to create a Google Account.

Legal removal requests are subject to automated processing. For more information, see the Legal Help Center.

* Required field

Your information

Your own name, even if you are making the request on behalf of someone else who you are authorized to represent. If you are representing someone else, you must have the legal authority to act on their behalf.
If applicable.
Please ensure that you have access to this email address, as you will be asked to verify it.
Relationship to trademark owner
Your email address domain must match your or your law firm’s website.
For us to accept complaints or appeals from any other contacts, the trademark owner must provide explicit authorization for you to act on their behalf. Please attach either a signed statement from the trademark owner on their company letterhead that confirms that you are authorized to act on their behalf regarding trademark matters, or a power of attorney that confirms you are authorized to act on the trademark owner’s behalf. The signed statement or power of attorney should not contain conditions that bring the scope of your authority into question such as an expiration date in the past, territorial exclusions, or other restrictions that would apply to the complaint.

Trademark details

Trademark at issue: Please provide us with a list of trademarks and relevant countries below. If you have more than one trademark at issue, you may attach a schedule of your marks to the complaint form in PDF or Microsoft Word file formats.

Registered? *
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In your attached list, include:

  • Exact trademark
  • Country of registration
  • Registration number

Infringement details

In order to investigate claims of infringement on the Assistant, you must provide the Unique Invocation Name of the Conversation Action that contains the allegedly infringing content. This is the spoken name used to trigger the action, and it can be found in the action’s listing in the Directory.
I have a court order related to my complaint

Sworn Statements

I represent that the information in this notification is true and correct and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the trademark owner: *
I have a good faith belief that use of the trademarks described above are not authorized by the trademark owner or its agent, nor is such use otherwise permissible under law: *

 I acknowledge that a copy of the notice, including the submitter name and email address, may be forwarded to the owner of the affected content to allow for direct resolution of trademark-related disputes.

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