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Google wants to create the healthiest buildings possible for people and the planet.

The Portico tool is the culmination of a partnership with Healthy Building Network, Cradle 2 Cradle, Green Screen and many others in creating a dynamic scoring matrix that evaluates all building products and materials according to industry standards that promote transparency and material health criteria.  This system can capture product data with transparent methodologies and allow all participants to make informed decisions about the products being selected.

Product entry into the Portico Tool is required for all vendors being considered on a Google or partner contract.

Engaging with Portico will require you to think about your product in a scientific way; entering ingredients beyond an MSDS sheet.  Your participation in this process is greatly appreciated as we can expand the growing conversation of what a healthy building is.

The Portico Help Center is under reorganization in order to assist you better. We appreciate your patience during this process! Please email buildingmaterials@google.com for immediate assistance.

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