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[9.26.16] Portico Update: New Features: Product Image, Red List Indicators, and more!

Good Morning!

We have some exciting updates we want to share with you! As always, Google’s Healthy Materials team has been diligently working to improve the Portico Tool and provide more resources for you.  

We truly appreciate your participation in Portico and continuing to make Portico the primary place where project teams can find the information needed for Google projects.  New products are welcomed and encouraged!  Please add your new items so Project teams have more options to select from and we get closer to our 10,000 product goal.

In this email, we will highlight the following features now available in Portico.

  • Portico Feedback Survey
  • Product Image Feature 
  • Living Building Challenge: Red List Indicators

Portico Feedback Survey
We are continually developing Portico and are working hard on important updates that will enhance your experience with the tool.  To help inform these updates, we would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to answer this brief survey. 

All ideas are welcome; feel free to email buildingmaterials@google.com with any additional insights!

Portico Feedback Survey

Product Image Feature
This new functionality, available only to manufacturers, allows you to upload images for each product, adding more context and clarity to the product  information.  Adding images to your product is easy to do and you can upload any JPG, PNG, GIF or PDF file (limit of 1 MB) to your product.  

The process is intuitive but the following how-to guide  will walk you through step by step.

How to Image Uploader

Living Building Challenge (LBC): Red List Indicators
Another exciting addition to Portico is that we have now included Living Building Challenge Red List screening under the intentional content section of a product profile as well as LBC Red List Compliance filters for product selection (see screenshot below).  

With this expanded product selection and screening capabilities, you can now understand how your product contributes to the Living Building Challenge Red List requirements, making it easier for project teams to choose your products for their projects pursuing Living Building Challenge rating system. 

LBC Red list Image.png

Note about Archived Users
Lately,  we have been archiving any users that have not accessed the tool within the past six months.  If you have received a “this user has been archived” message and wish to reinstate that user it can easily be modified by company administrators.   Company administrators can “unarchive” these users or you can email buildingmaterials@google.com to alter the user status.  

Please stay tuned for more exciting updates regarding Common Products profiles, HPD v2.0,  and more exciting improvements to Portico!

We hope to see you at Greenbuild LA! 

Thank you,
The Portico Team



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