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What are related companies, how do I set them up and how do they work?

What are related companies?

Your company probably has relationships with other companies. You may have a consultant that you work with on specific products you offer. Your products may be represented or distributed by a different company, or perhaps you distribute products for another manufacturer. Or perhaps your company has a number of subsidiaries. In any of these scenarios, you may want to give view or edit access to another company for some or all of your products, or have view or edit access for another company's products.

How do I set them up?

The way to do this is through Related Companies. From your dashboard, go to the 'Company Info' tab. From there you can see your related companies and add a new related company. Both companies need to confirm the relationship before any data can be shared. The related company will say 'Pending Confirmation' in your view until the other company confirms the relationship. If someone is waiting on you to confirm the relationship they set up, you'll see their company listed with 'Pending Confirmation' hyperlinked next to it. Click on it to confirm the relationship. When adding a new related company, note that the company must already exist in Portico. If it doesn't exist, you can ask the related company to request access here or email buildingmaterials@ and ask them to set up a new manufacturer.

How do they work?

You will need to decide when you set up or confirm the relationship what permissions your related company will have universally as the default for all of your products (options listed below). Regardless of what permissions you choose, the related company will be able to see your full product list. They won't be able to see any details, but they will be able to see Product Name, Category, Associated Hazard (ie HPD-Partial, HPD-1), Disclosure Threshold (1,000ppm, no disclosure, etc), Transparency (Self -> Public, Self -> Google), Total Points and Status (Meets Criteria, Data Entry Started, etc). For details on each of these categories, see the glossary.

You can set permissions on a product by product level that are different from the universal permissions you set. When you click into one of your products, you'll see an option on the right to 'Edit Product Data Permissions'. From there you'll be able to override the universal permissions for any team members or related companies for this specific product.  If there are multiple products that you want to give the same permissions for, you can select them using the corresponding checkboxes on your product list, and click on the person icon for 'Edit Permissions' above your product list.  This lets you easily bulk edit permissions for the selected items.

Permission Options:

No Permissions: Users of the related company can see your whole product list, but can't view the details or edit anything.

View data only: Users of the related company will be able to see what you see on your product profile, including intentional content, certifications and standards, etc. They will not be able to edit anything. This is a great option for external sales reps that migtht need to be able to answer questions about your products, but not edit anything.

View data and Request new: Users of the related company will be able to view data of existing products, just like the option above. They'll also be able to 'Add a new product to this manufacturer', or in other words add a product to your product list. This is also a great option for external sales reps that may be asked about products you don't have in your list yet, and will want to enter them in your list so you know to fill them out.

View and edit data: Users of the related company can view and edit product data for any product in your product list (unless you remove permissions on specific products).

Company admin - View/edit data and users: This options gives the related company full access to view and edit product data, as well as administer your company's team. This option is best for a parent company. 

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