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I am interested in using Portico but do not work on any Google projects. How can I get access?

Currently, Portico is designed to support Google building projects only, and therefore is accessible only to project teams and manufacturers engaged in an active Google project.

Transparency and disclosure are both fundamental to Google’s Healthy Materials program, and we believe that product information disclosure and transparency enables better decision making that leads to a more healthy and productive built environment. For this reason, Google’s Healthy Materials Program material health and transparency criteria is based on established industry standards, such as Health Product Declaration, GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals and Cradle to Cradle standards. This enables manufacturers’ to provide product information in a consistent and transparent format that is accessible to everyone in the industry. Furthermore, Google’s Healthy Materials criteria prioritizes transparency and incentivizes those products that have publicly disclosed their information through higher scores.

In terms of other industry recognized tools similar to Portico, the Healthy Building Networks' Pharos is an excellent resource for product information related to material health and ingredient disclosure. It includes an in-depth chemical and material library with hazard related information that can be used for making decisions around product selection.

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