الصفحة التي طلبتها ليست متوفرة حاليًا بلغتك. يمكنك إجراء ترجمة فورية لأي صفحة ويب إلى أي لغة تختارها، باستخدام ميزة الترجمة المضمّنة في Google Chrome.

How do I know if a manufacturer has updated a product entry? Will I get a notification e-mail?

You won't get a notification e-mail. We decided against this type of system to save your inbox from getting clogged throughout the project.

Instead, we have organized the project team dashboard to include "Action Required" items that show you which manufacturers have not completed information on their product. This list shows you how much information for the product has been entered (partial or complete), whether the manufacturer has entered the tool, and if the product information provided meets Google's criteria. Once it meets criteria, the product can be moved from a list to a "ready to purchase" cart. 




     Portico is constantly improving!  Please leave feedback on your Project Team experience here.     




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