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Download & install the app

Get Google Health Studies on your phone

Download the Google Health Studies app from the Google Play Store Google Play. To learn how to download and use the app follow the instructions on download apps to your Android device.

Install the app

Install on an Android device

  1. On your device, go to the Apps section.
  2. Tap Google Play Store 
  3. Tap on the Search icon and type Google Health Studies.
  4. Once the app opens, tap install.
  5. Wait until you get an install complete message.

Your app will be available on the All Apps  screen of your mobile device. Learn how to find and open an app.

Install from a Computer

You can install the app on your Android device from your computer.

  1. On your computer, open
  2. Search for the app named Google Health Studies.
  3. Choose your device and select Install. You may need to sign in to your Google Account.
  4. Wait for the installation to complete.

Your app will be available on the All Apps  screen of your mobile device. Learn how to find and open an app.

Reinstall the Google Health Studies App

If you happen to accidentally delete the Google Health Studies app from your phone, here are the instructions to reinstall the app:

Reinstall from an Android device

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google Play Store 
  2. Tap Profile   on the top right.
  3. Tap Manage apps & device. 
  4. Tap Manage.
  5. Find and select the Google Health Studies app you want to install or turn on.
  6. If you can't find the app, tap Installed from the top.
  7. Tap Not installed.
  8. Find and select the Google Health Studies app.
  9. Tap Install or Enable.
  10. Allow the installation to complete.
Your app will be available on the All Apps  screen of your mobile device. Learn how to find and open an app.

Reinstall from a Computer

You can reinstall the app on your Android device from your computer.

  1. On your computer open
  2. Select Apps > My apps.
  3. Select the Google Health Studies app.
  4. Choose your device and select Install, Installed or Enable. You may need to sign into your Google account.
  5. Wait until you get an install complete message.

Your app will be available on the All Apps  screen of your mobile device. Learn how to find and open an app.

Delete or Disable Google Health Studies app

Once you delete the Google Health Studies app from your Android phone or tablet, data collection under the study in which you were enrolled stops immediately. You will no longer be able to contribute to the study. Feel free to join any new studies that interest you after you reinstall the app. For more information on data collected before your deletion of the Google Health Studies app, review your Informed Consent Form and the When you Drop out of a study article.

Update Google Health Studies app

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google Play Store 
  2. Search for Google Health Studies in the search bar.
  3. You will see an Update button next to the app if there is any update available.
If you have not already installed the Google Health Studies app, you will see an Install button instead of Update button.
  1. Tap Update and wait until the update is completed.
  2. Now you are ready with the latest version of the app.

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