Google Ad Grants account creation guide

Define your product or service

  1. On the "Define your product or service" page, select the language for your ads
  2. Under "What is your business category?," select the category most specific and relevant to your organization.

Learn more about business categories

The product or service you choose helps determine the search phrases associated with your campaigns, so review your selection to make sure it is specific and accurately describes your organization.

For example, an organization that runs a suicide hotline could select “Suicide Prevention Programs” or  “Crisis center”; an organization that provides job training could select “Job Training Programs” or “Non-Profit Job Training Support”; an organization that advocates for environmental issues could select “Environmental protection organization,” “Environmental issues,” or “Effects of Deforestation.”  

If more than one category is relevant to your organization, you can create another campaign for that category after the initial account set up is complete.


  1. Under "What specific products or services do you want to promote in this ad?" add specific products or services that further describe your organization. You can also add from the auto-populated keywords in the “Suggested for you” section.
  2. Click Next.

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