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Track conversion value

Once your account is tracking conversions, track the value of the actions to your nonprofit. Value tracking provides an awareness of your cost per acquisition and helps you to optimise your budget towards gaining more financial supporters.


To setup value tracking in your Google Ads account, we recommend setting up transaction specific values instead of the same value for every conversion.

  • If using Google Ads website tracking, you’ll need to customize your tag to track transaction-specific values.

  • If you’re using Google Analytics, import the goal value, or use Ecommerce and import your Transactions.

    • Note: If you import Transactions, ensure that you exclude all other actions in your Ads account from Conversions, that are also counting monetary actions to avoid duplicative counting.

  • If you are using a third party payment processor, import those goals into the Google Ads interface. Reach out to your processor for support, or visit our Help Center for guidance if you are using Classy, Frontstream Artez or Blackbaud Luminate.


Alternatively, you can track the same value for each transaction. Ensure this value is accurate for the specific action you’re tracking. If you are tracking variable basket amounts set an accurate average value of your online transactions.

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