A kért oldal jelenleg nem áll rendelkezésre az Ön nyelvén. Az oldal alján választhat másik nyelvet, vagy azonnal lefordíttathatja bármelyik oldalt egy tetszőleges nyelvre a Google Chrome beépített fordítói funkciójával.

Connect with the Ad Grants team by opting into email notifications

The Ad Grants team offers live streams, in-person workshops, office hours, and personalized account help.  To hear about these resources, opt in with your preferred email address in your Google Ads notification preferences, under "Customized Help & Performance Suggestions"  and " Special Offers". You can also contact us through our active Online Community Forum

The information below shows you how to edit your email notification preferences. Learn more about email notifications and changing your email address for notifications.


The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. Note, automatic targeting is only available in the new Google Ads experience.

To change your email notification preferences:

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account at https://adwords.google.com.
  2. Click the gear icon and choose Account settings.
  3. Select Notification settings from the side navigation.
  4. You’ll see a table of the different types of email notifications you can receive. Your notification preferences are in the “Email" column. To change your setting for a particular type of email notification, click in the “Email” column to display a drop-down menu with your settings options. Notification settings

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