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Find businesses by identity attributes

You can now easily tell when a retailer has a business identity attribute. To help you find and support businesses with specific identity attributes, check for one of the following identity icons:

  • Black-owned
  • Latino-owned
  • Women-owned
  • Veteran-owned

You can find these icons on the product page of the Shopping tab.

Tip: You'll only find these icons if a retailer has self-identified with an attribute and added it to their business profile. Learn how to add an identity attribute to your business.

Check if a business has an identity attribute

  1. Search for an item you want to know more about.
  2. Go to the "Shopping" tab.
    • Mobile device: Tap the product title or image of the item.
    • Computer: Click the product title or image and then View Product details.
  3. Businesses with identity attributes will have icons next to their names. On the product page, if a retailer chose a business identity attribute, you'll find an icon in their product details, like .
    • Mobile device: Check in the “Buying options” section.
    • Computer: Check in the “Compare buying options” section.
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