When you upload your private app's APK to the Play Console, Google Play serves the APK to users. Apps hosted on Google Play benefit from the following:
- High-uptime Google servers
- Automated device compatibility testing
- Faster download times compared to externally hosted apps
- Reduced data consumption
- Larger downloads
- Google’s enterprise-grade security, including SSL downloads
- Malware security scanning
- Alerts if we detect security vulnerabilities, such as Heartbleed
- Google-managed servers, so you don’t have to manage or support your own server
- Alpha and beta channels to manage new app pilot programs and new app versions
- Automatic generation of APK store-listing meta-data, which allows compatibility with Android Wear, Android Auto, and Android TV
APKs with company-sensitive Information
If your APK contains company-sensitive information, you should remove that information from the APK, host the APK on your own secure servers, and have your app request the information when it is needed. This approach is more secure than embedding sensitive data in the APK itself, and allows you to host your APK on Google Play