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Using Google Play in your organization to get managed apps

If your organization supports it, You can use a managed version of Google Play to get personal and work apps on your Android device. Any apps you need for work are preapproved by an administrator. To use managed Google Play, your company must use an approved Enterprise Mobility Manager (EMM) to manage Android in the workplace. And, your IT admin will need to provide you with a managed Google Play account which would be automatically pushed to our managed Android device.

If your organization supports work profiles, managed apps will have badges distinguishing them from personal apps.   If your device is managed by the company but you don't use work profiles there will not be badges, but all apps and the Google play store are managed by the IT admin.

How you get to apps

  • If your device doesn’t support work profiles, here's how you open approved apps that you need for work
  • If your device is managed by your company or has a work profile, any apps you need for work have been preapproved by your administrator. To get to them, you need to make sure your Android device is set up with a managed Google Play account. Then, you can install any apps you need from the Managed Google Play Store.

Note: If your device is company-owned and supports work profiles, work apps will only appear after you set up a work profile.



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