
Pricing on Google Play is based on our current standard pricing rate card. The Google Play Music pricing rate card is part of the Google Play delivery feed specifications. If you need a copy of our latest delivery specs, please contact your Google Play Music technical account manager or the content ingestion team.

Merlin Partners

For partners who are delivering their content to Google Play via a Merlin deal, our standard pricing rate card is compatible with Merlin rates. Speak with your technical account manager if you have more specific questions or concerns regarding pricing on Google Play.

Pricing Delivery Errors

You may receive an error when delivering a price code that is not compatible with Google Play’s standard pricing rate card. If you receive the error "could not determine price from provided price code" while making a content delivery to Google Play:

  1. Ensure that your price card is configured for your account.
  2. If you've verified that your price card is properly configured for your account, and you're still receiving the error upon delivery, please contact your Google Play technical account manager.

Retail vs. Wholesale Pricing

Label partners are free to change wholesale pricing as they see fit. Google will report and pay according to wholesale price at time of sale. However, since retail strategy varies across our currently launched territories, Google cannot commit to a specific retail price for albums or tracks.

Track vs. Album Pricing

Please note that the Google rate card treats albums and tracks the same. All price codes can be applied to both albums and tracks.

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