הדף שביקשתם לא זמין בשלב זה בשפה שלכם. אפשר לבחור בשפה אחרת בחלק התחתון של הדף. לחלופין, באמצעות תכונת התרגום המובנית של Google Chrome תוכלו לתרגם מיד כל דף אינטרנט אל שפה לבחירתכם.

View and download supported devices

Using Play Console, you can download a list of publicly launched devices supported for use with Google Play and your apps as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. For more information, see Google Play supported devices.

Supported devices have passed the Android Compatibility Program.

Tip: If you download and open a CSV file in a spreadsheet program, such as Google Sheets, and it appears to have fewer devices than you expect, try opening the file using a different CSV reader or spreadsheet program.

Download list using Play Console

  1. Open Play Console.
  2. Select an app.
  3. On the left menu, select Monitor and improve > Reach and devices > Device catalog.
  4. Select the All devices filter.
    • To download a list of devices that are specific to your app, select Supported devices or Excluded devices.
  5. On the upper right side of the list, select Export device list.

In the CSV file, devices are ordered alphabetically (A-Z) by manufacturer name and listed in the following format:

  • Manufacturer, model name, model code, RAM (total memory), form factor, system on chip, GPU, screen sizes, screen densities, ABIs, Android SDK versions, OpenGL ES Version

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