Measure and analyze your app's acquisition

Acquisition reports help you evaluate the performance of your store listing on Google Play by providing overall acquisition trends, insight into where your acquisitions are coming from, and the impact of your store listing changes. They also help you to determine if your marketing campaigns are driving quality visitors that convert, and identify where you are underperforming against your competitors so you can prioritize where to invest your efforts.

How we measure your performance

Opportunities to acquire users

The acquisitions reports measure how well your store listing acquires users, rather than installs, meaning conversion performance is calculated based on users who do not currently have your app installed on any of their devices. This focuses the report on the segment of store listing visits where your listing has the most impact, as users who already have your app installed on another device are generally more likely to install, regardless of your store listing assets.

New and returning users

By default, the report includes acquisitions from new users, who have never installed your app in the past, as well as returning users, who have previously installed your app but have since removed it from all of their devices. Viewing your overall acquisitions across both new and returning users gives the most comprehensive perspective on your store listing performance.

Different ways to view your app's acquisition

You can use the different report pages, metrics, and dimensions to analyze your app’s acquisition in different ways.

Review overall acquisition performance with store analysis

The Store analysis page (Grow > Store performance > Store analysis) provides a high-level overview of your acquisition performance to give key trends at a glance, and identify any areas that warrant further exploration.

The "All user acquisitions by type" chart shows acquisitions from all surfaces on Google Play. This includes acquisitions from promotional content across home pages, store listings, and top charts.

The store listings acquisitions chart shows acquisitions from your store listings only, and allows you to understand and optimize your store listings.

The traffic sources table provides a breakdown of store listing acquisitions based on whether they came from Google Play search, Google Play explore, or from ads and referrals. The store listing acquisition section below summarizes your store listing performance statistics, including overall store visitors, acquisitions, and conversion rate. You can configure this data by country, language, app install state, or time period using the filters at the top of the page.

The breakdown tables for country, language, store listing, install state, search term, and UTM source and campaign provide a summary of the top performing values for each breakdown dimension. You can select Explore to jump into more detail for the specific dimension, or click the right arrow next to a specific value to view that value plotted over time on the Conversion analysis page (Grow > Store performance > Conversion analysis).

Explore specific dimensions with conversion analysis

The Conversion analysis page (Grow > Store performance > Conversion analysis) shows the visitors, acquisitions, and conversion rate for your store listing over a selected time period.

You can filter data based on traffic source, store listing, country, language, UTM source and campaign, or acquisition state, to get a deeper understanding of how well a subset of your visitors convert.

Store listing acquisitions only

Conversion analysis reports focuses on your store listings only, and includes acquisitions from:

  • your store listing page, and
  • the inline install overlay (sometimes shown when attempting to install from an ad).

The Conversion analysis report does not include visitors or acquisitions from other surfaces on Google Play (such as editorial content). It also does not include acquisitions recorded by Google Play that happen through other mechanisms (such as backup and restore).

Conversion rate benchmarks

You can use conversion rate benchmarks to compare your performance to your peers' performance, allowing you to determine where you have the biggest opportunity to improve. For example, if your conversion rate for a particular language is lower than your peers', investigate whether your listing is correctly translated in that language.

The store listing conversion rate chart allows you to compare your daily conversion performance to your peers' median, 25th, and 75th percentile. The breakdown table below allows you to compare your total conversion rate for the period with your peers' median for the last 28 days in the selected period.

Note: Benchmarks are only available when viewing performance by country, language, install state, or traffic source. Filters for these dimensions are also supported for up to one selection per dimension.

Metrics and dimensions

Acquisition data is based on Pacific Time (PT). History is available from February 25, 2020.

Metric Definition
Store listing visitors

The number of users who visited your store listing who didn’t already have your app installed on any of their devices.

Note: A user that visits your store listing multiple times is only counted once per day and per dimension. For example, a user that visits your listing once via search and then again via a direct link on the same day is counted twice. A user that visits your listing twice from the same link is counted once.
Store listing acquisitions

The number of users who visited your store listing and installed your app, who didn’t have it installed on any other devices at the time.

Note: Your store listing acquisitions will be lower than your installs, as a user that installs your app on multiple devices is only counted once.

Store listing conversion rate

The percentage of store listing visitors that resulted in acquisitions.

Dimension Definition
Traffic source

How the user got to your store listing. For example, by searching on Google Play.

Go to the Traffic source values section below for a breakdown of traffic source values.
Country/Region The country or region where the user’s Google account is registered.
Language The language setting on the user’s device.
Search term

The term the user searched for before navigating to your store listing. Only available for Google Play search.

Note: This dimension is only available when traffic source is filtered by Google Play search.

UTM source

The value of the utm_source URL parameter in deep links to your store listing.

Note: This dimension is only available when traffic source is filtered by ads and referrals.
UTM campaign

The value of the utm_campaign URL parameter in deep links to your store listing.

Note: This dimension is only available when traffic source is filtered by ads and referrals.
App install state

Whether the user is installing your app for the first time (new user), or has previously uninstalled it (returning user).

Note: When you see references to "reacquisitions," we are referring to returning users.
Store listing The store listing that the user visited. Either your main store listing, or a custom store listing.
Traffic source values

Overall store analysis

Status Description
All traffic sources The total number of users who installed your app from any surface on Google Play and who didn't have it installed on any other devices at the time.
Google Play explore Users who discovered and installed your app from browsing Google Play, without searching for it by name. This includes users who discovered your app on home pages, suggestions and top charts, or by searching for a category of apps. For example, "racing game."
Paid and direct

The number of users who installed your app from an ad, referral, or search on Google Play containing your app's name or closely associated brand.

Store listings analysis

Status Description
All traffic sources The total number of users who visited your store listing or a mini-detail page, then installed your app, who didn’t have it installed on any other devices at the time. This doesn't include acquisitions from surfaces such as banners on app category pages.
Google Play search Users who visited your store listing by performing a search on Google Play for your app’s name or closely associated brand, then visited your store listing or a mini-detail page, before installing your app, and who didn’t have it installed on any other devices at the time. This does not include visits from ads shown on Google Play search results.
Google Play explore Users who browsed Google Play, then visited your store listing, before installing your app, who didn't have it installed on any other devices at the time. This includes users who clicked on search autocomplete suggestions and users who searched for a category of apps. For example, "racing game." This does not include visits from ads shown on Google Play.
Ads and referrals Users who visited your store listing from an ad or referral and who didn’t have it installed on any other devices at the time. This includes users who installed your app from an ad using the inline install overlay we sometimes show outside of Play Store.

Frequently asked questions

How are ads acquisitions reported?

As of November 2022, all visits from Google Ads are attributed to the Ads and referrals traffic source. Before this, visits from ads were reported based on where the ad was shown.

The Play Console does not provide reporting for Google Ad impressions or conversion. To track the performance of your Google Ads campaigns, sign in to your Google Ads account.

How do I download acquisition data?

Use the Export report button on the Conversion analysis page to download the data currently displayed in the chart and table.

Note: You can also programmatically access the Retained installers and Buyers reports from the old Play Console using Google Cloud Storage. It is not currently possible to programmatically access the data presented in the new Play Console.

Why is benchmark data missing in some circumstances?

Benchmark data is only shown if there is sufficient data from your selected peer set for your current report configuration. If you don’t see benchmark information, try selecting a different peer set, removing filters, or selecting a different breakdown to display.

Note: Benchmarks are only available when viewing performance by country, language, install state, or traffic source. Filters for these dimensions are also supported for up to one selection per dimension.

What does the "Other" breakdown mean?

The "Other" breakdown is shown when there are search terms, UTM sources, or UTM campaigns that did not have enough visitors or acquisitions over time to be reported individually.

Why are some countries/regions listed as "Unknown Region"?

"Unknown Region" represents visitors that Play could not attribute to a specific country.
Suggested analysis

Here are some common ways you can use the acquisition reports to analyze your store listing performance:

  • Evaluate how changes to your store listing have affected conversion rates.
  • Review Google Play search terms driving the most visits to see what users are most interested in.
  • Monitor the performance of your UTM tracked campaigns.
  • Identify countries with high visitors which may be good candidates for custom store listings.
  • Identify languages with low conversion rates to determine where you need to improve translation.
  • Evaluate whether offline marketing is driving high quality visitors to your listing.

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