הדף שביקשתם לא זמין בשלב זה בשפה שלכם. אפשר לבחור בשפה אחרת בחלק התחתון של הדף. לחלופין, באמצעות תכונת התרגום המובנית של Google Chrome תוכלו לתרגם מיד כל דף אינטרנט אל שפה לבחירתכם.

Details on Google Play's Photo and Video Permissions policy

Photos and videos on a user’s device are considered Personal and Sensitive User Data and should be treated with utmost privacy best practices. This sensitive information leaves users vulnerable to leaks or targets of exploitation, so minimizing this access helps avoid the burden on developers of handling such sensitive data. To further support protecting users’ privacy, we introduced policy to limit the scope of how broad access to photos and videos can be acquired on Google Play. Only apps with a need for broad access to photos will be allowed to maintain the READ_MEDIA_IMAGES and READ_MEDIA_VIDEO permissions. Apps with a one-time or limited use of photo and video files are requested to use a system picker such as the Android photo picker.

Last year, with users in mind, Android launched a new privacy-preserving photos experience: the Android photo picker. The picker integrates into your app without requiring you to acquire additional photo or video storage permissions and is the optimal way to keep your users and app safe. The photo picker library is also backported to Android 4.4, making it very simple to give this simplified experience to all of your users. Utilizing the photo picker is a built-in way for users to grant your app access to only selected images and videos, instead of their entire media library. Learn more about implementing the picker on the Android developers site.


The Play Photo and Video Permissions policy requires the following:

  1. Apps that have a one-time or infrequent need to access these files are requested to use a system picker such as Android photo picker.
  2. Apps requiring broad access to photo and video files located in shared storage on devices must successfully pass an appropriate access review and demonstrate a core use case that requires persistent or frequent photo, image, or video access of files.

Make sure to read the policy in full and ensure you understand and comply. Developers who are not in compliance by the deadline may be subject to enforcement actions.

Timeline information

See the following timeline for the Photo and Video Permissions policy. Note that this is subject to change; updates will be posted in this article.

  • October 28, 2023: We announced the Photos and Video Permissions policy.
  • September 18, 2024 – January 22, 2025: Developers with apps that carry READ_MEDIA_IMAGES and READ_MEDIA_VIDEO permissions are prompted in Play Console to either submit a declaration form to qualify for core use/broad access or remove permissions (if one time/infrequent use case). Different actions are required for one time/infrequent use cases and core use/broad access use cases:
One time/infrequent use case Core use/broad access use case
Apps with one-time or infrequent use of photos are requested to remove READ_MEDIA_IMAGES and  READ_MEDIA_VIDEO permissions from their app manifest and migrate to a system photo picker if necessary. Apps are only permitted to continue using broad access permissions if they have submitted a declaration and have been approved for usage.
  • September 18, 2024: A self-service option to request an extension will become available in Play Console, extending the compliance deadline to May 28, 2025.

  • January 22, 2025: Developers are required to submit declaration forms. Note the following:

    • Developers who have failed to submit a completed declaration form by this date updates will be blocked from updating their app.

    • Developers who have requested an extension will have until May 28, 2025 to submit their completed declaration form.
  • May 28, 2025: Full policy compliance is mandatory for all developers, including those who requested an extension. After this date, all apps are subject to removal from Google Play if not compliant.

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