View and restrict your app's compatible devices

After you've uploaded at least one app bundle to Play Console, you can view the catalog of available devices and review which devices are compatible with your app. To help ensure the widest availability of your app, review your supported and excluded devices lists regularly.

Go to the Device catalog page (Monitor and improve > Reach and devices > Device catalog).

Keep in mind, the device catalog doesn't apply to instant apps.

Getting started with the device catalog

This section contains all the information you need to know to start using the device catalog.

Accept the device catalog Terms of Service

The first time you access the device catalog, you must review and accept the Terms of Service. You must be the account owner or a user with the global Manage production releases permission to accept the new terms. Once you’ve accepted the terms for one app in your account, you’ll be able to continue using the device catalog for all of your apps.

If you don't accept the Terms of Service:

  • You won't be able to access the device catalog.
  • You won’t be able to exclude devices from distribution.

Understand core concepts

The questions below cover the core concepts around the device catalog and device restriction. Click on a question to expand and see the answer or collapse it.

Understand your app's device targeting

The set of device models on which users can discover and install your app on Google Play is known as your targeted devices. Your targeted devices are determined by two things: your manifest declarations and your console exclusion rules. These declarations and rules operate on devices and apps at different levels of granularity.

Manifest declarations define what devices your app supports. They operate at the individual device level. For example, setting minSdk to Android 9 will ensure that only devices with Android 9+ are eligible for your app. If a device model has some variants on Android 9 and some on lower versions, then the variants on Android 9 will be eligible, but the lower versions below will not.

You can apply console exclusions at two levels:

  1. At the device model level: In this scenario, all devices with this model are excluded.
  2. At the rule level: Rule-based exclusions apply at the individual-device level, just like manifest declarations. This means that some device models may be shown in the catalog as partially excluded.

Note: Exclusions override supported devices declared in your app’s manifest.

To view all available devices, and understand where your app is available for distribution on Google Play:

  1. Open Play Console and go to the Device catalog page (Monitor and improve > Reach and devices > Device catalog).
  2. Select the All, Supported, Excluded, or Targeted tabs.
  3. To download a list of devices as a CSV file, click Export device list near the right side of the page.

To understand the targeting status of an individual device model, view the "Status" column in the Device list or Device details pages. This shows the device targeting status for all active app bundles or APKs associated with your app. You can expand the section below to view possible device model targeting statuses.

Here are some important things to note about device targeting:

  • Device exclusion is managed per app.
  • Device supported status is displayed at track-level because it is declared in your manifest. Since you may have different bundles released to different tracks (production, open and closed testing, internal testing), in device details you'll also see a status for each track. For example, if the beta version of your app requires more features than the production version, you may notice that a device is supported in production but not in beta.

Search and filter the device list

The device list shows all device models for the tab that you have selected (all devices, supported devices, and so on), sorted by device model.

You can narrow down the list of devices in two ways:

  1. Use the search bar at the top of the page to filter the list of models or search for individual device models.
  2. Filter the list of device models by manufacturer, device, or other attributes.

View device details

To understand more about a device model including any variants, you can click through to the details page.

The details page gives you more information about the device specifications and variants for the selected device model. You can expand the section below to view possible device details.

Exclude your app from distribution to certain devices

You can set up rules to exclude devices from your app’s distribution on Google Play. Excluded devices won’t be able to see or install your app on Google Play.


  • Device exclusion rules don't apply to internal testers.
  • Device exclusion based on integrity checks is managed from the App integrity page (Test and release > App integrity). Visit this Help Center page to learn how to turn on integrity checks for your store listing so that Google Play can check that devices pass integrity checks before making your store listing visible to users.

You can expand and collapse the sections below to understand different app distribution management options.

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