Provide details for your SDK Index listing

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Google Play SDK Index helps developers learn more about widely used, commercial SDKs. It combines usage data from Google Play apps with information gathered through code detection. This provides attributes and signals designed to help them decide whether to adopt, keep, or remove an SDK from your app. If your SDK is listed on SDK Index, please make sure the information for your SDK is accurate and up to date. However, if your SDK is not listed on SDK Index, it is possible that it does not meet the eligibility criteria. Read Which SDKs are listed on the Index to learn more.

Update and improve your SDK Index listing

First, make sure your SDK details are up to date:

  1. Open SDK Console and select SDKs on the left menu.
  2. Click on the SDK that you want to update in the SDK Index listing for.
  3. On the left menu, select SDK Details.
  4. Add or edit the following information:
    • Name: This is how your SDK name will appear across Google Play.
    • Description: Add a short description of your SDK, explaining what it does.
    • Icon: Add an icon to represent your SDK across Google Play. Icons must meet the following requirements:
      • JPG or 32-bit PNG (not transparent)
      • 512px by 512px
      • Up to 1 MB
    • Category: Choose the most suitable category for your SDK. You can choose more than one that applies.
    • Documentation URL: Add a link to the documentation for your SDK.
    • Privacy policy URL: Add a link to the privacy policy for your SDK.
    • Data safety section guidance: Add a link to any Play Data safety section guidance you make available to your customers for your SDK. If you haven't yet prepared this documentation, you might consider using this Optional format for SDKs.
  5. Click Save changes.

Note: At this time, the SDK description and URLs linking to the SDK's documentation and privacy policy are not shown on the SDK Index.

We recommend that you read the Communicate SDK information to app developers article and, if applicable, report any SDK versions as outdated or as having critical issues. This can help to warn developers in Play Console, Play SDK Index, and Android Studio about problems with SDKs they're using (and to encourage them to upgrade to more recent versions).

Finally, let us know if there are other SDKs that you think should be listed on SDK Index. To be listed, these libraries should be separate modules that represent distinct, standalone features within your overall SDK.

Note: SDK Index has a refresh cycle, so it may take a few days for your changes to reflect.

Frequently asked questions about SDK Index

How do I get listed on the SDK Index?

To be listed on Google Play SDK Index, your SDK must:
  • Be a commercial SDK distributed through a Maven repository.
  • Fall into one of the existing SDK Index categories.
  • Meet the SDK Index active app and user usage installs thresholds, according to Google Play’s data: used by 100 apps and have at least 100 million app installs.

Note: The data is based on apps that share their library dependencies with Google Play, and that have over 1,000 installs. Installs are only counted on devices that have been turned on at least once in the last 30 days.

If you believe your SDK meets the criteria but is not listed, fill out the listing request form and provide your SDK details. If we find that it meets the listing criteria, we will contact you to have it added.

What permissions are included on Google Play SDK Index?

A list of Android permissions that guard an API(s) that has at least one recent version of the SDK is using. An SDK version is considered to be recent if it has been published within the last year. This includes optional usage by the SDK where the SDK doesn't always require this permission, and may only use it if the app has made it available.

Note: Google Play cannot always detect all permissions used by an SDK.

How long does it take for information to refresh on Google Play SDK Index?

It may take up to two weeks for information to refresh on Google Play SDK Index.

How do I obtain the registration badge?

SDK Index lists widely used commercial SDK(s). The owners of the SDK(s) listed with the registration badge on the SDK index have been invited to register their SDK on Google Play SDK Console, and accept its terms of service. To be eligible for a registration badge, owners should ensure all recent active SDK versions do not include code that would cause apps to violate Google Play policies.

Which repositories does SDK Console support?

Currently, SDK Console only supports libraries that are published to a Maven repository. The repository does not need to be Maven Central; it can also be a private Maven repository, including a self-hosted repository. If you are using a private Maven repository, please reach out to your Play Partner Manager. Please also reach out if you make any changes to where you host your SDK.

How do I indicate an SDK as deprecated on SDK Index?

To indicate an SDK as deprecrated on SDK Index, you can view Report SDK as deprecated for instructions.

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