This page contains Help content for SDK providers using Google Play SDK Console.
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Inbox is a personalized messaging area in SDK Console to help you stay up to date on the latest from Google Play.
Check Inbox regularly for notifications related to your SDKs, feature launch announcements, important updates around changes to Google Play policies, and more. Some messages will allow you to take action directly from Inbox, and all of your old messages are safely kept in Archived messages. To make sure you don’t miss important updates, email notifications are sent to accompany the SDK Console Inbox messages, emails are sent to all users on your organization’s SDK Console account.
To manage your email preferences, open the SDK Console and navigate to the Inbox tab. On the top right, click on Manage email preferences and choose the categories for which you would be interested in receiving email notifications.
Important: Make sure your whole team has access to SDK Console. If you haven’t done so already, please add to your account any other members of your organization who would benefit from receiving these important updates.