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Jan 12, 2024

Pixel Watch 2 keeps locking while on wrist

Exactly as the title suggests. The watch gets stuck in some state where it thinks it is not on my wrist anymore.

The reason I KNOW this is a watch/software issue is because without moving my wrist or arm, or strap at all I can restart the watch, and the issue resolves.

There is something very wrong with a sensors state that causes this issue and Google needs to fix it. its incredibly frustrating.
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Recommended Answer
Jan 15, 2024
I guess my point is that since it also happened to your replacement, it may not be hardware issue (although definitely a possibility). It's just a matter of securing your watch in place and make sure the sensor has any interference to your skin. I also can't tell whether you're wearing the watch too loosely or not since different people has different definition of what's considered 'tight'. At first try wearing the watch for a bit on your other wrist and see if it makes any difference.
Gold Product Expert Alistair Watson recommended this
All Replies (10)
May I ask which update you're on?  I recently had a similar issue on my Pixel Watch 2 after the Feb. 5th update.  I had to factory reset it a few times, but it seems to be working now.
Feb 28, 2024
Very frustrating. It was definitely on my wrist very securely not giving to watch any reason for doubt. I rebooted it in the exact same place and then it detected correctly again.
Very frustrating because I had a great night's sleep and it neglected to log it.

I'm on the February security update
Feb 29, 2024
The same thing happens to me too, the watch is on my wrist, but it doesn't detect my heartbeat, therefore believing it isn't on me, the always display turns off and locks for safety. Even by tightening the belt more tightly or by changing the same wrist, often just restarting it allows it to work again for a few hours.
Feb 29, 2024
Hello GuiZ

Do you see a green light on the back of your watch? That's the heart rate sensor. If you don't see the green light, that would be the reason why your watch isn't detecting your heart rate. 

Not seeing the green light would indicate to me that you have a defective device and should contact support:
Feb 29, 2024
The green light and full functionality was restored upon reboot. So it seems like the device is not having a permanent dysfunction but rather a temporary one.

And this only recently started happening (for me) so perhaps a recent update.
Mar 1, 2024
the green light underneath is always working, even when it doesn't detect a heartbeat. 
I repeat, with a software reboot everything works correctly and sometimes even without a reboot after a few hours of blocking the sensor starts working again.
Mar 22, 2024
This exact thing happens to my Pixel Watch 2 also. It has been occurring for months. Nearly everyday I will have to take my watch off of my wrist, and then put it back on again for the heart rate sensor to detect my heart rate, and for it to not lock while worn. I find a reboot isn't necessary, just removing the watch, sometimes I will wipe the sensor, and then put back on. I don't have a tattoo or anything, although I do have hairy arms. I find that it happens the most after I've taken the watch off of the charger to put on. Normally once I get the heart rate sensor to detect my pulse, so long as I don't remove my watch, it won't happen again. Until I take it off again and then put back on. And especially after charging.

When it is not detecting my heart rate, and locking, I notice when looking at the underside the light is NOT flashing.

I keep hoping for it to stop doing this after each update...but like I said it's been doing this for months.
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