Erste Schritte mit der Google Wallet-WebsiteDie Google Wallet-WebsiteTransaktionen auf der Google Wallet-Website ansehenZahlungsmethoden auf der Google Wallet-Website verwaltenEinstellungen auf der Google Wallet-Website verwaltenTransfer money out of Google Pay (US only)Get started with Google Pay appAdd & manage payment methodsManage settingsLänder und Regionen, in denen Sie über Ihr Google-Konto bezahlen könnenChanges to the Google Pay app in the USPay for goods & servicesIn Apps oder auf Websites bezahlenUse virtual card numbers to pay online or in appsOrder food with Google Pay (Singapore only)Buy movie tickets with Google Pay (Singapore only)Get products or services from a Spot (Singapore only)Google products & servicesUse Google Pay for transportation (Singapore only)About buy now, pay later with Google PaySend & receive money or split billsHelp people find & pay you (Singapore only)Send money to friends & family (Singapore only)Receive or claim money someone sent you (Singapore only)Transfer money out of Google Pay (US only)Times to send, receive, or transfer money (Singapore only)Google Pay limitsFind offers and earn rewardsAbout deals, offers & rewards (Singapore only)Fix problems with deals, offers, & rewards (Singapore only)Cards eligible for Google Pay offers & rewards in SingaporeGoogle Pay balance (US only)Money in Google Pay & Google Pay balance (US only)Use your Google Pay balance to pay businesses (US only)Transfer money out of Google Pay (US only)Settle a negative balance (US only)Get insights about your moneyManage your accounts linked with Plaid (US only)Store items in Google WalletUse Google Pay for transportation (Singapore only)Manage your info, security & privacyManage your Google Pay settings (Singapore only)Manage security & privacyManage your payments profile & addressesOptionen für automatisches Ausfüllen verwaltenFix a problemReport a problem or send feedback about the appFix problems with deals, offers, & rewards (Singapore only)Fix issues when you send, receive, or transfer money (Singapore only)Fix issues linking bank accounts (Singapore only)Artikel zurückgebenCan't find contacts on the Google Pay app (Singapore only)Eine Zahlung anfechten, melden oder stornierenDatenschutz, Nutzungsbedingungen und RichtlinienProbleme beim Bezahlen von Google-Produkten und ‑Diensten behebenGoogle Pay Ombudsman (Brazil Only)Nutzungsbedingungen, Richtlinien und Google Pay-InformationenSo hilft Google Pay beim Schutz Ihrer DatenGoogle Pay limitsGoogle Payment Corp. Money Transmitter Licenses (US only)Google Pay Offers & Rewards Terms (Singapore)Richtlinie für Beschwerden über Google PaymentsDatenschutz, Nutzungsbedingungen und RichtlinienNutzung des Google-Zahlungsdienstes dauerhaft beendenGoogle Pay Brazil Cybersecurity Policy Summary