Important: This article is specific to users who previously set up a Google Pay balance to make contactless, in-app, or online payments where Google Pay is accepted. At this time, it is not possible to set up a new Google Pay balance card.
Google Payments are processed by Google Payment Corp. (GPC). GPC is licensed as a money transmitter in the U.S. jurisdictions listed below. If you have a question or complaint about our services, we encourage you to visit our Help Center to see how we can help.
Jurisdiction | License Number | Type of License/Statute | Licensed By |
Alabama | SC 436 | Sale of Checks/Sale of Checks Act | Securities Commission |
Alaska | AK-MT-10062 | Money Transmission/Alaska Uniform Money Services Act | Division of Banking and Securities Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development |
For Alaska residents only: If your issue is unresolved by Google Payment Corp. (phone: 1-888-986-7944), please submit formal complaints with the State of Alaska, Division of Banking & Securities: Please download the form here. Submit formal complaint form with supporting documents: Division of Banking & Securities If you are an Alaska resident with questions regarding formal complaints, please email us at or call 1-907-465-2521. |
American Samoa | 3900 | Money Services Business License | American Samoa Government |
Arizona | MT-0920367 | Transmitter of Money/Transmitters of Money Act | Department of Financial Institutions |
Arizona residents may contact the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp. at (602) 771-2800. | |||
Arkansas | No. 43278 | Money Transmission/Arkansas Uniform Money Services Act | Securities Department |
California | No. 2377 | Transmitter of Money Abroad/Transmission of Money Abroad Act | Department of Financial Institutions |
If you have complaints with respect to any aspect of the money transmission activities conducted at this location, you may contact the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation:
Colorado | No. 500174 | Office of the State Bank Commissioner | Colorado Division of Banking |
Colorado Division of Banking - Colorado Money Transmitters Act - Customer Notice If you’re a Colorado resident and have a complaint about the money transmitter, the company that sent your money, all complaints must be submitted in writing:
Section 11-110-120, CRS requires that money transmitters and money order companies post this notice in a conspicuous, well-lighted location visible to customers. |
Connecticut | No. 23755 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmission Act | Department of Banking |
District of Columbia | MTR911607 | Money Transmission / Money Transmitter Act | Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking, Banking Bureau |
Delaware | No. 010868 | Transmission of Money/Sale of Checks and Transmission of Money Act | Office of the State Bank Commissioner |
Florida | No. FT230000001 | Money Transmission/ Money Services Business Act | Office of Financial Regulation, Division of Finance, Money Services Businesses |
Florida residents may contact the Florida Office of Financial Regulation with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp. at 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0376, phone: (800) 848-3792 (toll free). | |||
Georgia | No. 23711 | Money Transmission/Sale of Checks or Money Orders Act | Department of Banking and Finance |
Licensed by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance (NMLS ID: 911607) | |||
Guam | No. 11-200801640-001 | Foreign Exchange/Foreign Exchange Act | Department of Revenue and Taxation, Insurance, Securities, Banking and Real Estate Division |
Hawaii | No. 45-10 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Act | Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Division of Financial Institutions |
Idaho | No. 108 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Act | Department of Finance, Securities Bureau |
Illinois | MT 188 | Transmitter of Money/Transmitters of Money Act | Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Financial Institutions |
Illinois residents may contact the lllinois Department of Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit Section with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp. at (888) 473-4858 (toll-free). | |||
Indiana | No. 10906 | Money Transmitter / Money Transmitter Act | Department of Financial Institutions |
Iowa | No. 2008-0135 | Money Services/Iowa Uniform Money Services Act | Division of Banking |
Kansas | MT-0000006 | Money Transmitter/Kansas Money Transmitters Act | Office of the State Bank Commissioner |
Kentucky | SC-23599 | Money Transmitter/Kentucky Money Transmitters Act of 2006 | Department of Financial Institutions |
Louisiana | SOC 352 | Money Transmission/Sale of Checks and Money Transmission Act | Office of Financial Institutions |
Maine | MD-1458 | Money Transmission/Money Transmitters Act | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection |
Massachusetts | FT112148-100 | Foreign Transmittal Agency/Receipts of Deposits for Transmittal to Foreign Countries Act | Division of Banks |
Maryland | No. 12-911607 | Money Transmission/Money Transmission Act | Commissioner of Financial Regulation |
The Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland will accept all questions or complaints from Maryland residents regarding Google Payment Corp. (NMLS ID: 911607) at 1100 North Eutaw Street, Suite 611, Baltimore, MD 21201, phone (888) 784-0136. You can visit NMLS Consumer Access website to verify the licensing status of Google Payment Corp. | |||
Michigan | MT 0016666 | Money Transmission Services/Money Transmission Services Act | Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth, Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation |
Minnesota | No. 52092 | Money Transmitter/ Minnesota Money Transmitters Act | Department of Commerce, Division of Financial Examinations |
For Minnesota residents, if you are sending money to someone you do not know; or are responding to an Internet, phone or other offer that you are not sure is honest; or if you are sending money on a promise of receiving a large amount of money, winning a lottery or prize, or receiving a credit card or a loan, you may be a victim of a fraudulent scheme. Minnesota residents may contact the Minnesota Commerce Department with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp. at (651) 539-1600. |
Mississippi | No.94/2016 | Sale of Checks/Sale of Checks Act | Department of Banking and Consumer Finance |
Missouri | MO-17-5509 | Sale of Checks/Sale of Checks Law | Division of Finance |
Nebraska | No. 998 | Sale of Checks and Funds Transmission/Sale of Checks and Funds Transmission Act | Department of Banking and Finance |
Nevada | MT 10036 | Money Transmitter/Issuers of Instruments for the Transmission or Payment of Money Act | Department of Business and Industry, Financial Institutions Division |
Nevada residents may contact the Nevada Division of Financial Institutions with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp. at (702) 486-4120. | |||
New Hampshire | No. 14516-MT | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitter Law | Banking Department |
New Jersey | No. L065465 | Money Transmission/New Jersey Money Transmitters Act | Department of Banking and Insurance, Licensing Services Bureau--Banking |
New Mexico | Licensed | Money Transmission / Uniform Money Services Act | Regulation & Licensing Department |
New York | MT 103615 | Transmitter of Money/Transmitters of Money Law | Banking Department, Licensed Financial Services Division |
Google Payment Corp. (GPC) is licensed and regulated as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. To contact GPC with questions or complaints:
North Carolina | No. 146099 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Act | Commissioner of Banks |
North Dakota | No. MT101931 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Law | Department of Financial Institutions |
North Dakota residents may contact the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp at (701) 328-9933. | |||
Ohio | OHMT 061 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitters Law | Department of Commerce, Division of Financial Institutions |
Oklahoma | OKDOB001 | Money Transmission/Oklahoma Financial Transaction Reporting Act | Banking Department |
Oregon | MTX-30092 | Money Transmission/Oregon Money Transmitters Act | Department of Commerce, Securities and Banking, Division of Finance and Corporate Securities |
Pennsylvania | No. 21165 | Money Transmitter/Licensing Business of Transmitting Money or Credit Act | Department of Banking, Licensing Division |
Puerto Rico | TM-2011-034 | Monetary Transfers/Law to Regulate the Business of Monetary Transfers | Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions |
Rhode Island | 20214179CT | Currency Transmitter License | Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation |
South Carolina | Licensed | Money Transmitter / Anti-Money Laundering Act | Attorney General - Money Services Division |
South Dakota | MT.2042 | Money Transmitter/South Dakota Money Transmitter Act | Department of Revenue and Regulation, Division of Banking |
Tennessee | No. 128 | Money Transmitter / Tennessee Money Transmitter Act of 1994 | Department of Financial Institutions |
Tennessee residents may contact the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions with questions or complaints about Google Payment Corp at (800) 778-4215. | |||
Texas | No. 3044 | Money Services Business License/Money Services Act | Department of Banking |
If you have a complaint, first contact the consumer assistance division of Google Payment Corp. at 888-986-7944. If you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the company's money transmission, or currency exchange activity, please direct your complaint to: Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705, 1-877-276-5554 (toll free), |
U.S Virgin Islands | MT-12-11 | Money Transmitter/ Uniform Money Services Act | Division of Banking and Insurance |
Utah | No. 066 | Third Party Payment Provider/Check Cashing and Deferred Deposit Lending Registration Act | Department of Financial Institutions |
Vermont | No. 100-029 | Money Transmission/Money Services Act | Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration, Banking Division |
Virginia | MO-226 | Money Transmitter/Money Transmitter Law | Bureau of Financial Institutions |
Washington | No. 550-MT-50586 | Money Transmission (includes currency exchange)/Uniform Money Services Act | Department of Financial Institutions |
You should be aware that fraud may and does occur, and that fraudulent transactions may result in the loss of your money with no recourse. To report fraud or suspected fraud as it relates to your transactions with Google Payment Corp., please dial 888-986-7944. | |||
West Virginia | WVMT-911607 | Issuance and Sale of Checks, Drafts, Money Orders or Other Instruments for the Transmission or Payment of Money/ Check and Money Order Sales, Money Transmission Services, Transportation and Currency Exchange Law | Division of Banking |
Wisconsin | 259-MT | Money Transmission/Money Transmitter Modernization Act | Department of Financial Institutions |
Wyoming | MT-7136 | Money Transmitter/Wyoming Money Transmitters Act | Department of Audit, Division of Banking |
If you would like to contact GPC about a complaint with respect to any aspect of the money transmission activities:
Call: 888-986-7944
Mail: Google Payment Corp.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA, 94043