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Settle a negative balance (US only)

Important: This article is specific to users who previously set up a Google Pay balance to make contactless, in-app, or online payments where Google Pay is accepted. At this time, it is not possible to set up a new Google Pay balance card.

If your account shows a negative balance you won’t be able to use your account to send or request money until you have settled your negative balance.

Your Google Pay balance may show up as negative if:

  • Someone sent you money and then filed a chargeback with their bank.
  • You tried to send money from a bank account that didn't have enough funds.
  • A temporary credit was made in your account for a dispute under investigation, but after investigation completion, the dispute was rejected.

Settle your negative balance

You can't add funds to your GPay Balance to settle your balance at the moment. We'll send an update regarding developments or changes in this regard.

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