
Starting June 4, 2024, the U.S. version of the Google Pay app will no longer be available for use. Learn more about these changes

Gestionează setările Google Pay

With the Settings menu in the Google Pay app, you can:
  • View and change your personal info.
  • Manage your experience.
You can manage Google Pay settings such as:
  • Your phone number or profile picture.
  • Your privacy settings, including who can interact with you or if people can find you.
  • Whether you get chat notifications.

Manage account details

Edit your phone number
Important: If you have a PayNow account associated with your old phone number, to opt in to PayNow with your new number, contact your bank.
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. At the top right, tap your photo apoi Settings apoi Personal info.
  3. Tap Edit phone number.
  4. Enter the new phone number.
  5. Tap Next.
    • You'll receive a one-time password (OTP) through SMS. If your phone doesn’t automatically verify the number, enter the OTP.
Tip: People you paid or messaged on Google Pay can find your new phone number.
Add or edit your profile photo
Important: Other people with a Google Account can find your name and profile photo. To hide your name and profile photo from specific people, block them in Google Pay.
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. At the top right, tap your photo apoi Settings apoi Personal info.
  3. Tap your profile photo or first initial.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Manage privacy settings

Control if people can find you through your phone number
Important: You can block someone from interacting with you on Google Pay and other Google products you use. Blocks take effect when that person signs into their Google Account.
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. At the top right, tap Account .
  3. Tap Settings apoi Privacy & security.
  4. Turn Allow people to find you on or off.
Block people from your Google Pay profile
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. Under “People,” tap the person you want to block.
  3. At the top right, tap More Mai multe apoi Block.
Unblock people from your Google Pay profile
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. At the top right, tap Account .
  3. Tap Settings apoi Privacy & security apoi Unblock people.
  4. Next to the person you want to unblock, tap Unblock.
Manage personalization within Google Pay 
Când folosești Google Pay, aplicația salvează articole și activități în Contul Google, cum ar fi:
  • tranzacții,
  • metode de plată, cum ar fi cardurile de debit sau de credit.

Tu stabilești modul în care sunt folosite aceste date. Poți oricând să schimbi ce se păstrează și să gestionezi confidențialitatea și personalizarea în Google Pay.

Manage notifications

Turn chat notifications on or off

To get chat notifications from contacts or merchants:

  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. At the top right, tap Account .
  3. Tap Settings apoi Notifications.
  4. Turn Chat messages on or off.
Turn Google Pay tips on or off
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. At the top right, tap Account .
  3. Tap Settings apoi Notifications.
  4. Turn Google Pay tips on or off.

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