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Google Pay limits

Google Pay has limits for storing and transferring money.

Important: If you haven't verified your identity, you'll have a lower balance and weekly transaction limit. To increase your limits, verify your identity with Google Pay.

Total balance limit

The total amount of money allowed in Google Pay is $25,000 USD.

  • If your identity isn't verified: The total amount of money allowed in Google Pay is $1,000 USD.
  • If your identity is verified: The total amount of money allowed in Google Pay is $25,000 USD.

Transfer out

You are limited to 30 withdrawals and a maximum transfer of $1,000 USD within any seven-day period.

Important: If you want to transfer out more, you can do so after the 7-day period. If you have a large balance, contact support.

Know your total lifetime withdrawal limits

If your identity isn't verified, there's a lifetime total limit of $10,000 USD that can be withdrawn with Google Pay. If you reach this limit, to transfer more funds, you must verify your identity with Google Pay.

Purchases with Google Pay balance

If you set up your Google Pay balance to make contactless payments, there are some transaction limits:

  • Maximum single transaction amount: $2,000 USD.
  • Daily maximum total transaction amount: $2,500 USD.
  • Up to 15 transactions per day.
  • Additional limits on the dollar amount or frequency of transactions may be imposed in accordance with the Google Pay Terms of Service.

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