Manage activities in Digital Wellbeing for supervised accounts

Your child can manage how they spend time on their Android device with Digital Wellbeing.

Switch to Digital Wellbeing


  • Supervised accounts can use this feature on devices with version Android 15 and up.
  • Your child can check or set app limits and bedtime features but it’s available from “Parental controls” only.
    • When they tap “Bedtime mode” or “App limits,” a notification appears.
    • The notification states that these options are unavailable for supervised accounts but accessible under “Parental controls.”
  1. On your Android device, open the Settings app.
  2. Tap Digital Wellbeing & parental controls.
  3. On the “Parental controls” screen, under “App activity," tap Go to Digital Wellbeing.
    • To switch back from “Digital Wellbeing” screen, under “View activity details,” tap Go to parental controls.
  4. Your child can:

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