Google News consumer information

Content you see on Google News comes from third-party news publishers.

Story ranking on Google News

On Google News, we strive to present high-quality, trustworthy, news content covering topics of interest to you.

To make Google News as interesting and useful to you as possible, these factors influence layout, listing, and ordering of content on Google News:

  • The popularity, quality, and relevance of the content.
  • Your prior interactions and purchases with Google News and other Google services.

Some publishers could have a contractual agreement with Google to allow licensed use of their article content; this doesn't affect article ranking. Your having a subscription to a paid content provider does raise that publisher's content ranking.

On video-only feeds, results are limited to YouTube-hosted content and the content of licensed publishers. 

Advertisements on Google News

Articles included on Google News sometimes serve advertisements, which are labeled as such. The publishers themselves manage these advertisements. Google could receive a portion of the payment from the advertiser.

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