Community Activity
Repaired my Chromecast Gen2
I hope this helps ..I followed advice from previous community member I had already factory reset my chrome before being warned not to .I changed date on my android phone to 7th March .I searched for cast device through home again and it connected to ...
O meu Chromescast não funciona
Há dias o meu Chromescast não funciona, e isso não é justo pois eu paguei pelo aparelho.
Bosch Home Connect doesn't show up
After linking the "Bosch Home Connect" app to Google Home, I get the message that Google Home successfully linked with the Bosch app. However, it stops there. I don't see Bosch or the Bosch Dishwasher anywhere in the Google Home app. Any ideas?
Turn off speakers remotely
I can no longer turn off my speakers remotely. Apparently, Google did this on purpose in a recent update. My speakers are playing music at my house through a routine. I can't just turn them off like I have every other time, because Google took away t...
Nest has stopped turning heating off
Hi, I have had the nest system for four years. It operated absolutely fine, however in the last two months it has intermittently stopped switching the heating off. I reset it and it started working, taking more and more resets. Now however even when ...
chromecast non funziona
la mia vecchia chromecast non si collega più alla tv. Ho ripristinato le impostazioni di fabbrica ( forse ho sbagliato ) . cosa devo fare ?????
WiFi router and extenders plugs
Hi anyone help revived the nest router and 2 WiFi points today but the plugs are 2 pin this is no good for uk
Cromecast no funciona
Tengo un cromecast desde hace 9 años y no puedo configurarlo tras reiniciarlo de fábrica.
How to Choose the Right Solar Energy System for Your Home?
As energy costs rise and environmental concerns grow, many homeowners are considering solar energy as a sustainable and cost-effective solution. Choosing the right solar energy system for your home can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge...
Problem Chromecast connect with tv
Issue connect the Chromecast with tv