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Chrome cast 2

So when are you going to deliver the fix? Soon, and well on the way, are not great estimates

Google chromecast improvvisamente non fuziona

Buongiorno, improvvisamente la chromecast non comunica più con il telefono.Ho provato a resettarla e a reinstallare l'applicazione Google Home ma la configurazione non va a buon fine.L'applicazione durante la ricerca trova il dispositivo chromecast m...

by Community Member
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ChromeCAST stop working.

I am getting a msg that my phone (Android) can't communicate with the ChromeCast. I have been using it for over a year. My phone is finding the ChromeCast but can't set up. Just stopped working one day. Have factory reset and changed HDMI ports still...

by Community Member
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Google Chrom castについてiPhoneから信号が接続されない

iPhoneもAndroidからもですが、突然TVで動画などが見れなくなりました。 クロムキャストもWi-FiもiPhoneもアプリも全て全て正常です。再起動したり手を尽くしていますが 何故か信号がキャッチ出来ないとエラーが出て接続出来なくなりました。お手上げです。疲れてしまい どーする事もできません。下さい!

Chrome cast authentication problem

Since few days we are facing issues with Chromecast while setting up the device after Reset, "It is not getting authenticated successfully". I am using this device since 2018, why authentication problem is arising now?. I have reviewed all the recent...

Google Chromecast authentication problem

While setting up Chromecast after factory reset I found message that Chromecast authentication problem. Why authentication is not done? What is solution to authenticate my Chromecast device to setup it. I several times contact Google to call but nobo...

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