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Identify a thermostat wire

You need to check your current thermostat’s wires to tell if your system is Nest thermostat compatible and which thermostat models it will work with.

Remove your thermostat’s cover and enter the wires you find into the compatibility checker. The Nest app and Home app will also let you know if your system is compatible and give you a wiring diagram for installation. 

Sometimes a thermostat’s wire connectors have two labels or no label at all. In rare cases, a wire may be in the wrong thermostat connector, which can cause your system to malfunction so you need to check your system’s control board to accurately identify the wires.

There are several ways to identify your thermostat wires:

Take a picture of your current thermostat’s wiring

Always take a picture of your current thermostat’s wires before you remove it from the wall and install a Nest thermostat. This picture is an essential reference to identify wires and correctly install a Nest thermostat.

Check this article if you need help removing your thermostat's cover.

Contact a local HVAC system pro

A trained professional can quickly tell what kind of system you have and identify the wires. They can also install and set up your Nest thermostat for you and answer any questions you have. Contact a local professional in your area to service your system.

Check your system’s control board

Checking your system's control board is a very reliable method for determining what an unknown wire is. The control board’s connectors typically have labels that can tell you what each wire is when other methods aren’t convenient or don’t work. 

The control board is usually inside your furnace or HVAC equipment, so you may have to open or remove a panel to check inside.

More help with wire labels

What thermostat wire labels mean

Below are some of the wire labels you might find on your thermostat and what they do.

The app will give you a custom wiring diagram to help you install the Nest thermostat. Refer to the following article for step-by-step installation instructions.

How to install your Nest thermostat

Note: If you don’t find your wiring labels in this article, contact a local professional.

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