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Thermostat Energy History

Your Nest Thermostat’s Energy History records how often and for how long your system has run. Energy History shows you how to make smart choices about your schedule and temperature preferences.

You can view your Energy History with the app or on your thermostat.


  • To review your Energy History, on the Nest thermostat's Quick View menu, select History Thermostat history icon.
  • If you’re using a Nest Thermostat E, your Energy History should be in the Settings Nest settings icon and then History.

Your Energy History at a glance

When you select History, the orange bar represents how long your heating was on during the day. Turn the thermostat's ring to view the Energy History for other days. You can look as far back as 10 days ago.

Note: Since your thermostat needs time to learn about how you use energy, it usually takes at least a day after installation for Energy History information to appear.

Daily Energy History details

Press the thermostat’s ring to learn more details about a particular day. 

Turn the ring to scroll down and find more information. For instance, you can see if your energy use was significantly higher or lower than average over the last week. If it was, the thermostat should show you the main contributor, like your manual temperature changes, automatic switching to Eco Temperatures, your thermostat's temperature schedule or the weather. 

To go back to the main Energy History screen, press the thermostat ring. To exit and return to the thermostat temperature screen, hold down the ring.

Domestic hot water

If your Nest thermostat also controls your domestic hot water, Energy History doesn't show the times when your domestic hot water was on and used energy.

However, your Nest thermostat can still help you save. You can create a personalised schedule to control exactly when your hot water is on, and automatically turn it off when you're away for extended periods, such as when you're on holiday.

Set a hot water schedule
How Nest Thermostats work with domestic hot water

OpenTherm and Energy History

If you have a 3rd-gen Nest Learning Thermostat or the Nest Thermostat E installed with an OpenTherm-compatible boiler, long heating times in your Energy History and Home Report may appear when True Radiant is enabled. As your Nest thermostat tells your OpenTherm-compatible boiler how to modulate when True Radiant is enabled, your heating can run for long periods of time but the heating water should be at a lower temperature to control your home's temperature more precisely. This type of heating control can be a more efficient way of keeping you comfortable.

Learn more about True Radiant

Nest app

  1. Open the Nest app Nest app and tap your Nest thermostat icon on the home screen.
  2. Tap History Thermostat history icon.
  3. Your 10-day summary should appear. Tap on any day to learn more details about your heating system’s energy use.

Energy History explained

energy history orange bar icon

An orange bar shows that the system was heating. The number next to the bar is the total time that your system was on during the day.

leaf icon

At the left of the screen, the Leaf icon appears for the days when you saved energy and earned a Nest Leaf.

energy history set icon

On the right, you'll find the main reason why your energy usage went up or down (compared to the average of the seven previous days). 

Expanded history view

For more information about your energy usage on a particular day, tap that day for an expanded view.

At the top are your target temperatures. These represent the temperatures in your schedule and any manual adjustments that you've made on your thermostat or with the Nest app.

Away icon image

If you manually set your thermostat to Eco Temperature, or if Home/Away Assist has kicked in, this icon should appear at the beginning of the time that your thermostat went into Eco Temperature.

Nest app energy history more details

Tap on any icon to find more information.

If you're on a computer, just hover your mouse over any icon to find more information.

Nest app energy history heat

Each orange bar represents the time interval for which your heating was on.

energy history timeline start

At the beginning of each day, you can see what the target temperature in your home was at midnight the previous day.

Download button

When your Nest thermostat is updated with new software, an icon should appear in the Energy History on the day that it was updated. To check the time of the update, tap or click the icon. 

Note: Nest app version 4.1 or later is required.

Off button

If you turned your thermostat off, this icon should appear.

Click or tap several different days to compare the detailed Energy History for each day. It should show how your temperature choices affect your heating usage.

Energy History can help save energy

Here are a couple of examples of how to use Energy History to help you save energy. For more ways to save energy, refer to the Improve energy savings with your Nest thermostat article.

Lower your night-time temperature

Try turning the temperature down by a couple of degrees during the night. You might not notice any difference since you're asleep.

On this particular day, your thermostat was set at 20°C from midnight to 7.00 a.m. Each orange bar indicates when the heating came on.

On the next day when your thermostat was set at 18°C for the same period, the heating came on less frequently to help save energy.

Change your Eco Temperature

An energy-efficient Eco Temperature can help to save you energy when you set it lower than your comfort temperature. If you set your heating Eco Temperature too high, it won't make an impact on your energy savings, and you may see an alert in your Home Report.

Nest app energy history away example

On this particular day, the thermostat automatically switched to Eco Temperature (set to 16°C) shortly after 8.00 a.m.

Nest app energy history away example

The next day, after you change the Eco Temperature to 12°C, notice how the heating didn’t come on at all during the same period. A lower heating setting for Eco Temperature can help reduce your energy use.

Domestic hot water doesn't appear in your Energy History

If you have a 3rd-gen Nest Learning Thermostat, it can also control your domestic hot water. However, it doesn't show the times when your domestic hot water was on and using energy in your Energy History. The Nest thermostat can still help you save. You can create a personalised schedule to control exactly when your hot water is on, and automatically turn it off when you're away for extended periods, such as when you're on holiday.

Domestic hot water control and how to change settings
How Nest Thermostat works with domestic hot water

OpenTherm and Energy History

If you have a 3rd-gen Nest Learning Thermostat or the Nest Thermostat E installed with an OpenTherm-compatible boiler, long heating times in your Energy History and Home Report may appear when True Radiant is enabled. As your Nest thermostat tells your OpenTherm-compatible boiler how to modulate when True Radiant is enabled, your heating can run for long periods of time but the heating water should be at a lower temperature to control your home's temperature more precisely. This type of heating control can be a more efficient way of keeping you comfortable.

Learn more about True Radiant

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