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How to update Wi-Fi settings on Nest Connect

If you change your router’s settings, Wi-Fi password, or install a new router, you’ll need to update the Wi-Fi information on your Nest Connect.

The simplest fix for most Nest products is to update your home network so that the network name (SSID) and password are the same as before. This will usually work even if you’ve purchased a new Wi-Fi router as long as the manufacturer settings are the same.

If this doesn’t work, or you want to keep your new network name or password, you’ll need to update the Wi-Fi details on each of your Nest Connects.

  1. Bring your phone or tablet to the same room as your Nest Connect.
  2. On the app home screen, tap Settings Nest settings icon.
  3. Tap Nest Connect. You may need to scroll down to see this option.
  4. Tap the Connect whose settings you want to change.
  5. Tap Wi-Fi Connection, then tap Start.

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