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Talk and listen with Nest camera or doorbell

Talk and listen lets you talk to people through your camera even when you're away from home. When you’re home, you can also use it on a compatible Google Nest display.

For example, if the Nest camera on your front porch sends you a motion alert, you can open the app to see who’s there. If it’s a delivery person with a package, you can tap the Talk button to tell them to leave the package on the porch. 

  • On newer cameras, Talk and listen works like a video call. You can have a conversation without needing to pause for the audio to switch over.
  • On some older cameras that use the Nest app, Talk and listen works one way at a time. So you'll need to take turns talking and listening.

Google Nest displays

If you have a Nest Doorbell, you can also use Talk and listen on a Google display like Nest Hub Max. For instructions, go to Get doorbell visitor announcements on a speaker or display. Make sure that your doorbell and display have all been added to the same home in the app.

Home app

  1. Open the Home app.
  2. Tap and hold your device's tile.
  3. Tap the microphone  Talk icon. If the camera is off, tap Turn on.
  4. The camera will chime on the other end. This lets the person in front of the camera know that you're about to say something. You can now have a conversation.
  5. To hang up,  tap the microphone Talk icon. The camera will chime a second time at the other end, letting the other person know that the conversation has ended.

Nest app

  1. Open the Nest app.
  2. Choose the camera that you want to speak through.
  3. Tap Talk Talk icon.
  4. The camera will chime on the other end if you have the Talk and listen tone enabled letting the person in front of the camera know that you're about to say something. You can now have a conversation.
  5. When you're done with your conversation tap Talk Talk icon to hang up. The camera will chime a second time on the other end if you have the Talk and listen tone enabled, letting the other person know that the conversation has concluded.


Note: On some older cameras (Nest Cam Indoor, Nest Cam Outdoor) that use the Nest app, Talk and listen works one way at a time. So you'll need to take turns talking and listening. Here's how you do it:

  1. Open the Nest app.
  2. Tap the camera or doorbell that you want to speak through
  3. Tap Talk  Talk icon.
  4. The camera will chime on the other end. This lets the person in front of the camera know that you're about to say something. You can now have a conversation.
  5. Tap Done when you’ve finished talking. The camera will chime to let the other person know that you’ve finished and that they can begin speaking.
  6. To hang up, tap Talk  Talk icon. again. The camera will chime a second time at the other end, letting the other person know that the conversation has ended.

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