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Connect third-party smart home devices in the Google Home app

You can remotely control compatible third-party smart devices when you set them up in the Google Home app .

Important: If you want to set up a Google Nest, Home, Pixel, or Chromecast device in the Google Home app, visit Set up smart devices in the Google Home app

Supported smart home devices

List of compatible third-party smart home devices

Step 1. Set up smart home devices

If you haven’t already done so, follow the steps provided by the device maker to set up your smart home devices.

Note: For Matter-enabled devices, you can set those up using the Google Home app, connect and share them from a third-party manufacturer’s app, or use Matter’s Multi-Admin feature to share the device with Google Home.

Step 2. Connect smart home devices in the Google Home app

  1. Open the Google Home app Google Home app.
  2. Tap Devices Add Works with Google Home Works with Google Home.
  3. Select the device maker from the list.
  4. To complete the setup, follow the in-app steps.

Manage your smart home devices

Control your smart home devices

After you connect your smart devices in the Google Home app, you can use the Google Home app to control them. If you have an Assistant-enabled device, you can also use voice commands to control your smart devices.

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