Review your sleep and wellness

With Sleep Sensing on your Nest Hub (2nd gen), you can view a summary of your sleep and receive personal insights and helpful tips. Once you’ve set up Sleep Sensing, your sleep summary will be available on your display starting the next morning. With the Google Fit app, you can also view your sleep history over time. 

Sleep Sensing is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, prevent, or treat any disease or condition. Consult your healthcare professional for questions about your health. Device placement and nearby people, pets, or noises can cause inaccurate readings.

Sleep Summary

To view your sleep summary, tap your display’s screen and then Wellness and then Your sleep.

Note: To have your sleep summary appear on your Nest Hub (2nd gen), you need to allow personal results and Proactive health & fitness results on your display. Web & App Activity also needs to be turned on in your Google Account. To receive answers from Google Assistant related to your sleep information, personal results and Voice Match need to be turned on.

When personal results and Proactive health & fitness results are on, anyone with access to your Nest Hub (2nd gen) can review and delete your most recent Sleep Sensing summary and wellness details.

Your sleep

Your sleep summary will show several aspects of your previous night’s sleep such as the duration, schedule, and quality of your sleep. When you’ve slept well, each circle in your summary will align and turn purple. Tap Your sleep to view each circle in more detail.

Sleep circles

  • Schedule - View when you got into bed, fell asleep, woke up, and finally got out of bed alongside your planned bedtime schedule.
  • Duration - Review your total time asleep and how it compares to your usual duration or general recommended guidelines. This includes when you went to bed, woke up, and if you got up during the night. You can also learn how long it took to fall asleep to get a feel for how much time you’re actually sleeping when you go to bed.
  • Quality - Check how restful your sleep was. This includes when you were sleeping, times you got up, restless periods, and how you progressed between different stages of sleep. You can compare these to factors that sometimes affect sleep like the temperature in your room, periods of sleep disturbance, and light changes in your room. Coughs and snores attributed to you will be shown on the “Coughing” and “Snoring” timelines. Other loud sounds that occur during your sleep will be shown on the “Other sounds” timeline.

Sleep staging

Sleep staging detects information about your light, deep, REM and awake periods throughout the night.  During sleep, your body naturally oscillates through these different stages and all of them are essential for physical and emotional wellbeing, and optimal physical and cognitive performance.

Why sleep staging? ​​Our brain has special neurocircuitry to coordinate sleep stages. By allowing your brain enough time to sleep in a non-disruptive environment you’ll usually go through all of the stages necessary for someone of a similar age, gender, and genetic make up. Most people cycle through stages 4-6 times a night, sometimes with a brief awakening between cycles.

Most of your deep sleep is in the first four hours of sleep and the longer you sleep, the more REM/dream sleep you have. The majority of your night should be spent in light sleep. The most important determinant of whether you get enough of each stage is whether you allow yourself adequate opportunity to get the sleep you need.

You can view percentage breakdowns of your sleep stages on the Duration screen. On the Quality screen, you can see how your night progressed and correlate your sleep patterns to disturbances in the room, such as coughs, snores, or other loud sound events. This information can be used to learn more about your typical sleep patterns, and help you understand things that are out of the ordinary.

Your respiratory wellness

To view your respiratory wellness from your display’s “Wellness” page, tap Your sleep and then swipe left. Tap Weekly trend to compare your days over the past week.

Your respiratory wellness shows things that can affect your sleep:

  • Respiration rate (RPM) - Measures the average number of breaths you take per minute, and how variable your breathing was in that sleep period. Your RPM range is the top 95% and bottom 5% of the night’s data.
  • Sleep disturbance events - Shows disturbances during sleep such as coughing or snoring.
Note: Device placement and nearby people, pets, or noises can cause inaccurate readings.

Sleep report and personalized tips

As Sleep Sensing gets to know your sleep habits and patterns, you’ll receive personalized insights and recommendations to help improve your sleep. You’ll begin to get these tips after a week of daily sleep tracking.

Your insights and personalized sleep tips will appear on your Nest Hub as they become relevant. Once available, your sleep report and recommended schedule can be accessed by tapping your Nest Hub’s screen when it’s in ambient or photo mode and then Wellness.

  • Sleep tips - These tips contain suggestions and educational content to help improve your sleep.
  • Sleep report - The sleep report contains a summary of insights, education, and tips related to your sleep. Insights are things that Nest Hub noticed about your recent sleep that could be improved. Your report also includes education from third-party sources, explaining reasons for the insights and tips on how to improve. Sleep reports will be updated when additional personalized insights are available and might not always appear.
  • Recommended schedule - After 14 days of consecutive sleep tracking, you’ll receive a personalized recommendation for when to go to bed and wake up. Updating your schedule could help improve your sleep.
  • Sleep stage progression - A chronological overview of how sleep stages change over time during the night
  • ​​Wake points - This shows your normal awakenings that tend to happen in and around REM, with transitions to the next sleep cycle (4-6 times a night).
  • % per stage - The breakdown of last night’s wake, light, deep, and REM percentages relative to the amount of time slept
  • Time per stage - The breakdown of last night’s wake, light, deep, and REM in hours and minutes

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