What data is collected?

The default implementation automatically provides the following information about your app:

  • the number of users and sessions
  • session duration
  • operating systems
  • device models
  • geography
  • first launches
  • app opens
  • app updates
  • in-app purchases

Identifying devices

The Google mobile developer services SDK library uses an app-instance identifier to identify a unique installation of your app. When using the SDK, an app-instance identifier gets generated at the app level. By default, the SDK collects identifiers for mobile devices (for example, the Android Advertising ID and Advertising Identifier for iOS) and utilize technologies similar to cookies.

On iOS, the SDK will collect the Identifier for Advertiser (IDFA) if it is available. In order for IDFA to be available, a developer has to link in the following libraries:

  • libAdIdAccess.a
  • AdSupport.framework

If the IDFA is unavailable, the SDK will collect the Identifier for Vendor (IDFV). If the IDFA becomes available after the IDFV was reported, we will stop collecting the IDFV.

By default, on Android, the SDK will collect the Android Advertising ID.

Identifying in-app purchases

By default, the SDK will collect in-app purchase information on iOS via the public transaction observer methods from Apple. On Android, this will be enabled via Google Play In-app Billing. Both iOS and Android in-app purchase tracking can be turned off via the disableAutomatedInAppPurchaseReporting() method.

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